Articles posted by rycowborg

WESTERN BALKANS – Following the last year’s successful partnership, Sarajevo Film Festival (SFF) and the Regional Youth Cooperation Office (RYCO) in cooperation with Forum Civil Peace Service – forumZFD and USAID project PRO-Future are organizing a special project activity In Youth Eyes: WESTERN BALKANS YOUTH TEAM which will gather youth from the Western Balkans to

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WESTERN BALKANS – The project of a democratic, peaceful, sustainable, social and prosperous Europe is today facing one of the greatest challenges in its history – and not only because of the experiences with the Coronavirus Pandemic. Societies and citizens of Europe are facing the challenge of “rebooting” their societies and returning to more stability,

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WESTERN BALKANS – The Regional Youth Cooperation Office (RYCO) is inviting tenderers to submit their offers for External Audit of the ROUTE WB6 Project supported by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The audit will focus on the financial execution of the project carried out by consortium led by RYCO and its partners in implementing

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PODGORICA – The OSCE Mission to Montenegro is inviting young leaders to participate in the training program “Leaders against Intolerance and Violent Extremism – LIVE’’ to be held in Podgorica from 27 to 31 July. The program is designed to coach up to 15 participants from Montenegro between 18 and 30 years old, who are

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WESTERN BALKANS – RYCO and UNFPA are calling for 18 enthusiastic young people, ages 18 to 27 from the Western Balkans 6, who will become peer trainers. The participants will take part in the main training based on y-peer methodology adapted to peacebuilding and reconciliation, and continue to work at local level in their communities

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WESTERN BALKANS – The Regional Youth Cooperation Office (RYCO) is inviting tenderers to submit their offers for office supply, stationery and toner cartridges. The tender dossier is consisted of Invitation to Tender, Contract Notice, Instruction to Tenderers, Draft Framework Contract, Item Catalogue Including Technical Specifications, Supply Tender Submission Form, Financial Offer. All the documents are available for download

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WESTERN BALKANS – Within the project “Supporting the Western Balkans collective leadership on reconciliation: building capacity and momentum for the Regional Youth Cooperation Office (RYCO)”, UNDP is requesting submission of proposals to develop the Risk Assessment and Risk Management Guidelines/RARM for the Regional Youth Cooperation Office (RYCO). The aim of this assignment is to support

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WESTERN BALKANS – The Regional Youth Cooperation Office (RYCO) is inviting tenderers to submit their offers for Cleaning Services for RYCO Local Branch Offices across the Western Balkans 6. The tender is divided into five lots: LOT I: “Cleaning Service for Bosnia and Herzegovina Local Branch Office” LOT II: “Cleaning Service for Serbia Local Branch

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WESTERN BALKANS – The Regional Youth Cooperation Office (RYCO) is inviting tenderers to submit their offers for Grant Making Expert. The tender is being launched within the project Enhancing Youth Cooperation and Youth Exchange in the WB6 supported by the European Union. The expert will focus on providing an overview of the grant-making practices and

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WESTERN BALKANS – RYCO, GROUPE SOS Pulse, the South East European Youth Network (SEEYN), the Institut Français and the Franco-German Youth Office (FGYO/OFAJ) are announcing the selection of six local structures for the implementation of the WB6 Lab project.  Local structures, selected among 45 applicants from the Western Balkans, will contribute to opening new spaces

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