Articles posted by rycowborg

BELGRADE – With the support of the OSCE Mission to Serbia, RYCO is launching the open call for participation in the capacity building training for project design in the areas of youth mobility, cooperation and activism in the Western Balkans. The call is open for less experienced representatives of secondary schools from Serbia. The training

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TIRANA – World Vision, in collaboration with RYCO, organizes a regional youth festival in Tirana from 3 to 5 September. The Youth Festival kicked off with a two panel discussions participated by young people, representatives of civil society, governmental institutions, local and international agencies who discussed inclusion of youth in decision-making processes and inclusion of

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TIRANA – World Vision, in collaboration with RYCO, organizes a regional youth festival in Tirana from 3 to 5 September. The Youth Festival kicked off with a series of panel discussions participated by young people, representatives of civil society, governmental institutions, local and international agencies. The festival focuses on the three topics – participation, protection,

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WESTERN BALKANS/JAPAN – The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan and the Regional Youth Cooperation Office are implementing for the second year the youth exchange “Western Balkans meet Japan: A Bridge into the Future”, on 13-21 November 2019, and invites 15 undergraduate or graduate students aged from 20 to 25 years old, coming from Albania, Bosnia

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SARAJEVO – RYCO and South East European Youth Network (SEEYN) signed the Memorandum of Understanding in Sarajevo on 19 August to enhance their cooperation and jointly contribute to the reconciliation in the region and create a brighter future for the Western Balkan youth with youth. “RYCO is always happy to formalize partnerships with well-established and

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VALJEVO/ULCINJ – Valjevo Cultural Network VAKUM and IACT Ulcinj are inviting secondary school students (15 to 18 year-old) from Serbia (from the municipalities of Valjevo, Mionica, Osečina, Ub or Lajkovac) and Montenegro to apply for a film adventure named SeaVa Youth. The event is consisted of two short film workshops which will take place in

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TIRANA – RYCO Secretary General Mr Đuro Blanuša gave an interview for the Albanian Daily News when he spoke about RYCO’s achievements and challenges but also the need for fostering cooperation in the region. You can read the interview in its entirety below. Albanian Daily News: On the 12th of August the world observed the International Youth Day, established by the

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TIRANA –RYCO and World Vision Albania signed the Memorandum of Understanding on Wednesday to enhance cooperation between the two organizations focused on young people in the Western Balkans.  The ceremony took place in the presence of organizations’ employees at the RYCO Head Office in Tirana. The signing of the document is an important step forward

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WESTERN BALKANS – The General Objective of the third RYCO Open Call for Proposals is to support the process of reconciliation in the Western Balkans by providing young people with opportunities that create space for dialogue, mutual learning and increased understanding across communities and RYCO’s Contracting Parties, and to contribute to increasing capacities of schools to

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WESTERN BALKANS – RYCO is looking for external assessors from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia. The assessors will support RYCO Secretariat by performing the technical assessment of eligible project applications, submitted under RYCO’s Calls for Proposals. We are aiming to identify and select qualified and experienced professionals to join RYCO Pool

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