Articles posted by rycowborg

BELGRADE – Regional Youth Cooperation Office (RYCO) signed contracts on Friday with twelve civil society organizations and high schools from Serbia that got the support to organize the first youth exchange programs within the RYCO Open Call for Project Proposals. The representatives of the twelve organizations and high schools were addressed by Mr Darko Stanić,

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SOFIA – The EU-Western Balkans summit took place in Sofia, Bulgaria, on 17 May 2018. EU leaders agreed on the Sofia declaration, with which the Western Balkans partners have aligned themselves. The Declaration puts a special focus on youth in the region. The Declaration reads, in its eight point, that a special emphasis will be

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TIRANA – RYCO Deputy Secretary General, RYCO Program Officer and RYCO Local Branch Officer in Albania, Mr Fatos Mustafa, Ms Bojana Bulatović and Mr Kreshnik Loka, met on Monday with the German delegation led by the State Counselor for Civil Society and Civic Participation Ms Gisela Erler of the State Ministry of Baden-Württemberg. The meeting, once again, brought into the

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NOVI SAD – Call for participants has been opened for the 3rd Regional Youth Forum (RYF). Participation is open to socially active individuals, young leaders, students and recent graduates from the Western Balkans. The event will take place 29 June – 1 July in Novi Sad, Serbia. The selected participants from the WB6 will have

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TIRANA – The OSCE Presence in Albania, in co-operation with the Municipality of Tirana and the Regional Youth Cooperation Office (RYCO), are launching a Call for Applications for the second edition of #YouthTrail2018: Promoting OSCE Values among Youth, to be held from 20 to 24 June 2018 in Tirana, Albania. The Youth Trail is a learning,

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PODGORICA – RYCO Pilot Capacity Building Training for the first beneficiaries of the organization’s open call for project proposal ended on Friday in Podgorica, Montenegro. During the five days long training, we gathered the representatives of 34 civil society organizations and high schools from the region, the lead applicants of the shortlisted project within the

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TIRANA – On the occasion of the Europe Day, RYCO Secretary General and Deputy Secretary General, Mr Đuro Blanuša and Mr Fatos Mustafa, met on Wednesday with Director General for Enlargement at the European Commission Mr Christian Danielsson and Director for the Western Balkans at the DG NEAR Ms Genoveva Ruiz Calavera at the RYCO

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PRISTINA – RYCO Advisory Board members met for the first time in Pristina on Friday, 4 May. As the first meeting, it also served as a constitutive gathering of the Advisory Board members. RYCO Secretary General Mr Đuro Blanuša welcomed the Advisory Board members by emphasizing the importance of such structure in RYCO development and pointed

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VIENNA – The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) opens today a Call for Candidacies for 18 fully-paid scholarships at the European Innovation Academy (EIA), one of the world’s leading summer entrepreneurship programmes for young professionals, students, recent graduates and young start-uppers. From 8 to 27 July in Turin, the selected finalists from the Western Balkans

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