WESTERN BALKANS – Novi Sad Humanitarian Centre (NSHC) in cooperation with Syri i Vizionit and English language teachers and students association SOL invites interested and motivated young people (18-30 year-old) living in Serbia (Novi Sad, Apatin, Kula, Surdulica, or Vladičin Han) and Kosovo* (Pejë/Peć, Gjakovë/Đakovica or Prizren) to apply for participation in a mobility and training

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In the frame of the project “Swapping Cultures- Erasing Borders”, the Beyond Barriers Association together with its partners, announce Postcard Competition, #4balkanculturediversity. The project is supported by RYCO within its first Open Call for Project Proposals. Topics: intercultural dialogue and intercultural learning. Both must be focused on the Western Balkan context. Who can participate: Youth 16-25 year-old

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WESTERN BALKANS – BLINK together with its partners is organizing a seven days training course, for strengthening capacities of key youth actors in Pristina. Through this activity it is foreseen to break the prejudices and the disinformation for the youngsters from Kosovo*, Montenegro and Serbia. The seven-day-long training course for strengthening capacities is open for 30 youngsters, between

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TIRANA – RYCO Deputy Secretary General Mr Fatos Mustafa met on Sunday with the delegation of the German Federal Foreign Office led by Minister of State for Europe Mr Michael Roth when they discussed the RYCO’s ongoing activities as well as the support of the German Government to our organization. Mr Mustafa thanked the delegation

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TIRANA – RYCO Deputy Secretary General Mr Fatos Mustafa met with Deputy Head of the British Embassy in Tirana Mr Sean Melbourne on Wednesday in the RYCO premises when they discussed the RYCO’s work, its participation in the recently-held Western Balkans Summit in London and follow-up activities. Mr Mustafa briefly updated Mr Melbourne about our

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PODGORICA – RYCO organized a preparatory meeting of the first research project on the topics of dealing with the past in the framework of the first youth exchange projects supported by RYCO. The meeting took place on 17-18 July in Podgorica, Montenegro. Six researchers and youth workers gathered to explore ways in which they identified

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WESTERN BALKANS – Project promotes reconciliation, cooperation and better understanding in the region by bringing together 24 young people, 18-30 year-old, from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania, Montenegro, Macedonia, and Serbia. They will spend nine days together learning how to use film in educative and activist purpose, learn about and discuss joint Balkan traditions and shared

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LONDON – The fifth Berlin Process Summit was held on 9-10 July in London, the United Kingdom. The Summit gathered the heads and ministers of the governments of the Western Balkans, as well as the EU Member States interested in the region. Moreover, the Summit was participated by representatives of the region’s civil society, regional

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TIRANA – RYCO Local Branch Officer in Albania Mr Kreshnik Loka took part in the event “Together for a Youth Law in Albania”, organized by The Albanian National Youth Network – ANYN and the Child Right Centre Albania– CRCA on Wednesday, 27 June. The event aimed to gather the first round of inputs that will

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