Tirana, Albania – 36 young representatives from the region, participating in the WB Youth Forum 2023, called upon various stakeholders and decision-makers to reflect on the formulated action points and cooperate in different ways. They took a central role in the most anticipated youth event, by presenting to local stakeholders concrete action plans that they

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ALBANIA – The RYCO Local Branch Office in Albania, in partnership with World Vision Albania, successfully concluded the Youth Festival 2023: A World of Opportunities for Young People, providing a vibrant platform for young individuals to vocalize their ideas and address concerns. The festival brought together over 100 young participants from seven municipalities across Albania,

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36 young minds from the region will be active part of the most awaited youth event of the year “Balkan Youth Express” which is taking place in Tirana from 6-7 October. The WB Youth Forum’s Open Call for Participants, held in early September, attracted 165 applications from young leaders in the region eager to engage

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More than 100 changemakers, social entrepreneurs, and government officials from the region and the EU gathered to discus how to improve environment for social business (Skopje, September 15, 2023) – The second RISE Regional Forum for Social Entrepreneurs, organized by the Regional Youth Cooperation Office (RYCO), was held in Skopje from 12 until 14 September.

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PODGORICA – Head of RYCO Local Branch Office in Montenegro – Mr Edin Koljenović held a productive meeting with the Democratization Program Manager at OSCE Mission to Montenegro – Mr Bernd Burwitz and Senior Program Assistant for Youth Portfolio – Ms Irena Marunović, at Local Branch Office’s premises, on September 12, 2023. Mr Koljenović provided

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The Second RISE Regional Forum for Social Enterprises was officially opened yesterday in Skopje during traditional Fair, that gathered more than 50 social enterprises from the region who presented their products. RYCO organized fair in collaboration with the project “Support for the development of social enterprises” supported by the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy,

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