TIRANA – RYCO Secretary General Albert Hani and Deputy Ambassador of the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Tirana Thilo Schroeter signed Agreement for the project “RYCOGNIZED YPS Advocacy Efforts in WB6”. This project, implemented by RYCO and funded byGerman Ministry of Foreign Affairs (GMFA)  is the continuation of our successful cooperation and

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TIRANA 17 July – The nineteenth RYCO Governing Board (GB) meeting took place in Tirana, under the chairmanship of Albania. Minister of State for Youth and Children of Albania Bora Muzhaqi and the Youth Representative (YR) of Albania Klajdi Priska were chairing the meeting, organized in a hybrid format, providing several GB members to attend

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PRISTINA – On the occasion of International Youth Day, RYCO Local Branch Office Kosovo*, in close cooperation with the German Embassy in Kosovo, is pleased to announce the establishment of the ‘Harmony Hero Awards.’ These awards aim to recognize and honor young individuals who have significantly contributed to peacebuilding processes. We invite nominations from all

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BERAT- The 9th edition of the Youth Trail, titled “Fostering Dialogue between Youth and Decision-Making Institutions,” was successfully organized by the OSCE Mission in Albania and RYCO Local Branch Office Albania from July 13-15, 2023, in the city of Berat. Sixteen Albanian participants, including OSCE Youth Advisory Group members, alumni, and RYCO youth activists, gathered

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BUDVA – RYCO Local Branch Office in Montenegro organized Leadership and Management Training for RYCO management with the support of the OSCE Mission to Montenegro and in cooperation with GIZ, in Budva from 10 to 13 July 2023. The training program, conducted by experienced trainer Mr. Đorđe Maričić, focused on strengthening the capacities of the

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RYCO Local Branch Office in North Macedonia organized a five-day Regional Summer Camp in Mavrovo, North Macedonia in partnership with forumZFD and GIZ Sport for Development Programme for Western Balkans. The camp gathered 55 participants from Montenegro, Serbia, Kosovo*, Albania, Bosnia, Herzegovina, and North Macedonia. The opening remarks were delivered by Mr. Vladimir Gjorgjevski, Head

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PODGORICA – Head of RYCO Local Branch Office in Montenegro, Mr.Edin Koljenović and the French Ambassador, Mr. Christian Thimonier, held a meeting at the premises of the French Embassy to discuss important matters concerning youth empowerment and collaboration, on July 6, 2023. During the meeting, Mr Koljenović presented RYCO’s activity plan, highlighting the organization’s achievements

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Western Balkans – Regional Youth Cooperation Office (RYCO) has launched a new Open Call for project proposals for CSO, called „RYCOnnecting You(th)“. This is the fifth time that RYCO is organizing Open Call for CSOs in the region, in the last seven years.  RYCOnnecting You(th) Open Call has two main thematic areas: Peacebuilding and Reconciliation

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PODGORICA – Head of the RYCO Local Branch Office in Montenegro, Mr Edin Koljenović met with the Director of the Directorate for Youth, Mr Martin Lulgjuraj on Tuesday, 4 July 2023. The primary focus of the meeting revolved around the presentation of different programs and initiatives RYCO has for supporting young people in the region,

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7 YEARS OF RYCONNECTING! RYCO, the regional organization dedicated to youth development and cooperation, marks its 7th anniversary on the 4th of July. So far, RYCO has made significant efforts in empowering more than 31,000 young people, by investing over 7 million euros in youth exchange programs, on regional and local levels. It has organized

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