The RYCO LBO Serbia in collaboration with the OSCE Mission to Serbia and Faculty of Political Sciences University of Belgrade organized a capacity building training program designed to empower students in writing and implementing projects focused on the Youth Peace and Security agenda. The result is four outstanding projects that can make a tangible impact

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(Pristina, 31st May 2023) – Regional Youth Cooperation Office (RYCO), in collaboration with Deutsche Welle (DW) and the Association of Kosovo Journalists (AJK), successfully completed the second cycle of the program “Peace Broadcasters: Empowering Journalists as Peace Reporters” in Kosovo. The program gathered 20 journalists from different media and trained them in the topics of

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Western Balkans – In celebration of the regional approach of the RISE project, the RISE Expedition just started its journey yesterday. Risers will participate in a 3 to 7-day mobility program, exploring concepts similar to their idea in the social economy sector in Western Balkans. The RISE Expedition is a valuable and enriching experience that

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[Sarajevo, 26/05/2023] – The High School for Traffic and Communications in Sarajevo, together with the Technical School from Pirot, organized the Day of Sports and Culture, gathering close to 100 students and professors. The event was organized as part of the school-to-school exchange program called Superschools, which aims to support the processes of peacebuilding and

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Tirana – This week, as part of the #balkantrek tour including a group of 56 Harvard students traveling in Serbia, North Macedonia, and Albania, the RYCO team meet and had an open discussion with them at the premises of the Center for Openness and Dialogue. The students have engaged in high-level meetings all over the

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Tirana – Today, we bring you an inspiring story from the vibrant city of Tirana, where a unique Superschools partnership is taking place. In the midst of plenty of other Superschools exchanges being implemented all over the region, there is also the exchange between the French International School from Tirana and Josip Broz Tito High

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The Local Branch Office of RYCO in North Macedonia, in collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of North Macedonia, on the 8th of May organized a pre-event panel discussion as part of the prestigious Prespa Forum Dialogue. The panel, titled “Road to 2030,” brought together representatives from various youth organizations actively engaged in EU

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KOLAŠIN – RYCO Local Branch Office in Montenegro organized a Youth Camp on “Intercultural Competencies in Sports” in Kolašin, from 8 to 10 May 2023, in cooperation with the Ministry of Sports and Youth and the OSCE Mission to Montenegro. Fourteen young athletes from various sports associations in Montenegro gathered with the goal of enhancing

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TIRANA – Minister of State for Youth and Children of Albania published an open call for the position of the Youth Representative of Albania in the RYCO Governing Board. The Youth Representative will be given a mandate of three years with no possibility of extension. He/she will represent the interest of the youth of Albania

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