RYCO’s representatives visited International Visegrad Fund to explore ways how to boost youth cooperation in two regions. The meeting, which took place in Bratislava, was attended by RYCO’s Secretary General, Albert Hani, Deputy Secretary General, Denis Piplaš, and Head of Local Branch Office of RYCO in North Macedonia, Vladimir Gjorgjevski, along with key representatives from

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SKOPJE – The Regional Youth Cooperation Office in cooperation with Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) organized the introductory event “Meet the Superschools of North Macedonia” in Skopje on January 26th, 2023 in the framework of the Superschools Exchange Programme. The meeting gathered the 16 awarded high schools from North Macedonia represented by their principals

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TIRANA – The Regional Youth Cooperation Office (RYCO) in cooperation with Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) organized the introductory event “Meet the Superschools of Albania” in Tirana on January 25th, 2023 in the framework of the Superschools Exchange Programme. The meeting gathered the 17 awarded high schools from Albania represented by their principals and

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After informal efforts to find a solution last week, the RYCO Secretariat has officially invited the Government of Serbia to react and replace the youth representative (YR) in the Governing Board (GB) Mr. Jagoš Stojanović with immediate effect. Stojanović’s contested appointment for YR and the controversial photo he posted on social media are against RYCO’s

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The Head of the Local Branch Office of RYCO to North Macedonia Mr. Vladimir Gjorgjevski met with the President of the World Youth Alliance Ms. Paula Andrea Lopez and the representatives from North Macedonia Mr. Ardonit Ismaili and Ms. Renata Penchova. The meeting took place within the framework of the visits that the World Youth

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RYCO LBO Kosovo concluded yesterday the last RYCO Coffee Talks event, which was held in the municipality of Dragash. Around 50 participants living in the region of Dragash, coming from different ethnicities, attended the event in which it was discussed about the participation of young people in regional and international mobility projects. The event was

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Serbia’s 2022 Chairmanship of the RYCO Governing Board was concluded with the 18th Governing Board Meeting that took place on 15th-17th December in Belgrade. This is the second time during the 2022 Chairmanship of Serbia that the Governing Board members have met – with the first time being on 17th-19th July for the 17th Governing

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BERLIN – Regional Youth Cooperation Office in partnership with Centre international de formation européenne (CIFE), Crossborder Factory and Franco German Youth Office (OFAJ/FGYO) organized a follow-up event of the “Friday, Saturday and Sunday for Future” which previously took part in an online form, from the 21-23rd of January 2022 initiated within the French Presidency of

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PLJEVLJA – The RYCO Local Branch Office in Montenegro in cooperation with the Council of Europe organized the activity Block the Hatred. Share inclusion! took place in Pljevlja, on the 23rd of November 2022. This event aimed at involving students from different communities, especially those vulnerable and marginalized, in the open discussion with the decision

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