TIRANA – The Regional Youth Cooperation Office (RYCO) organized the first Kick-Off meeting for the EU Western Balkan Students Integration (EU-WB-SI) Project on Tuesday, 21 st June 2022. The meeting brought together the six newly created student networks composed of the leading organizations and their partners across WB6. The selected students’ teams that will support

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Ohrid – Between June 16-18 RYCO has actively participated at the Prespa Forum Dialogue, a platform created by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of North Macedonia to enable countries, leaders, organisations, experts and citizens to strengthen cooperation. The event gathered ambassadors, local and regional policy makers, eminent speakers, and youth representatives that shared the vision

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BUDVA – The RYCO Local Branch Office in Montenegro organized a Youth Camp on Intercultural Competencies in Sports in Budva from 19 to 21 April in cooperation with the Directorate for Sports and Youth of Montenegro and the OSCE Mission to Montenegro. This time, 15 young athletes from different sports associations from Montenegro gathered with

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BERANE – The RYCO Local Branch Office in Montenegro in cooperation with the Embassy of the Republic of France organized Youth Talks in Berane on Wednesday 18 May. At this event, around 40 young people from Berane, Rožaje, and Plav, aged 15 to 25, got a chance to directly address diplomats and find out more

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PODGORICA – Representative of the RYCO Local Branch Office in Montenegro Mrs Bojana Lalatovic met with the representatives of International Visegrad Fund H.E. Petr Mareš, Executive Director of the International Visegrad Fund, Mrs Marianna Neupauerová, Deputy Executive Director of the IVF, and representatives of the Embassy of Slovakia in Montenegro, H.E. Boris Gandel, Ambassador of

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PRISHTINA – As part of the final stage of the training and mentoring program “Peace Broadcasters: Empowering the young journalists as peace reporters”, implemented by the RYCO Local Branch Office (LBO) in Kosovo in partnership with the OSCE Mission in Kosovo, LBO in Kosovo in cooperation with Association of Journalists of Kosovo (AJK) organized last

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