KORÇA – The two-day activity “Youth for Youth” organized by the Minister of State for Youth and Children of Albania, the RYCO Local Branch Office in Albania, World Vision Albania and UNICEF in Albania took place on 19-20 March, in Korça. The event gathered more than 200 young people coming from high schools from all

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SKOPJE – Head of the RYCO Local Branch Office in North Macedonia Mr Vladimir Gjorgjevski met with GIZ Director of Regional Programmes and Country Director for Bosnia and Herzegovina Ms Natalija el Hage, Sector Fund Manager Open Regional Fund for SEE Modernisation of Municipal Services Mr Peter Wolf and GIZ Country Coordinator Ms Marija Joksimovska at

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SARAJEVO – The RISE Bootcamp, a six-day intense program consisting of workshops and training sessions, was organized in Sarajevo from 14 to 19 March. The Bootcamp brought together over 40 regional and international young entrepreneurs, trainers, experts, RISE Consortium representatives and decision-makers. During the event, young entrepreneurs officially accepted their 2500€ rewards for their business

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TIRANA – RYCO Secretary General and Deputy Secretary General, Mr Albert Hani and Mr Denis Piplaš, met with Secretary General of the Assembly of European Regions (AER) Mr Christian Spahr on Monday, 28 March when they got familiarized with the work AER and discussed possible areas of cooperation between the organizations. RYCO representatives shared the

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SPAIN – RYCO Deputy Secretary General Mr Denis Piplaš attended the Catalan Youth Congress held in Mataró, Spain, on 17 – 19 March. Organized by the Catalan Youth Agency, the event aimed at providing an opportunity for youth, youth workers, youth policymakers and decision-makers to interact and meet. Participants were rethinking youth policies and laying

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WESTERN BALKANS – Since 2011, every 24 March marks the International Day for the Right to the Truth Concerning Gross Human Rights Violations and for the Dignity of Victims. This observance was established by the United Nations General Assembly to honor the memory of victims of gross and systematic human rights violations, as well as

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ROUTE WB6 Volunteer Caravan journey successfully concluded in Tirana WESTERN BALKANS – After a week of travelling throughout the region, conducting volunteering actions and meet-ups with RYCO Local Branch Offices, young activists and local volunteering organisations, the ROUTE WB6 Caravan on four wheels ended its journey in Tirana, Albania on Monday, 14 March. During these

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SARAJEVO – RYCO Deputy Secretary General Mr Denis Piplaš and Head of the RYCO Local Branch Office in Bosnia and Herzegovina Ms Sandra Čule met with Ambassador of Japan to Bosnia and Herzegovina H. E. Mr Makoto Ito on Wednesday, 16 March. The interlocutors discussed the youth exchange programs between Japan and the Western Balkans.

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ROME – RYCO Secretary General Mr Albert Hani had a working dinner with the Quint’s (Italy, Germany, France, United States and the United Kingdom) directors of the Western Balkans departments and the representatives of the European Union in which they discussed challenges that young people are facing in the Western Balkans and ways for overcoming

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