WESTERN BALKANS – The Regional Youth Cooperation Office (RYCO) is inviting tenderers to submit their offers for travel management and other related services for its Local Branch Office Head Office in Albania. RYCO is seeking for a local qualified travel agency to conclude a framework agreement for travel management and other associated services. The successful

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WESTERN BALKANS  – The Youth Entrepreneurial Service Foundation (YES Foundation) from North Macedonia in partnership with the Innovation Centre Banja Luka from Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Fondacija Biznis Start-up Centar Bar from Montenegro, and with the support of RYCO and the European Union, invite you to participate in an online regional conference titled “Resilient entrepreneurship

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ALBANIA/NORTH MACEDONIA/SERBIA – Within the third RYCO Open Call for Project Proposals, supported by the Federal Republic of Germany, Škola za dizajn tekstila i kože from Serbia, in partnership with the Municipal High School “Gjorce Petrov” from North Macedonia and Raqi Qirinxhi High School from Albania, implemented the project “Threads of tradition that connect us”

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PODGORICA – Within the new RYCO strategy development process supported by the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the RYCO Local Branch Office in Montenegro organized a Consultative Workshop with high school student bodies that took place from 7 to 9 October 2021, in Podgorica.  The input coming from the students in this group will be

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SERBIA – The Regional Youth Cooperation Office (RYCO) Local Branch Office in Serbia and the OSCE Mission to Serbia are organizing the last online meetup of the series of online events “Among RYCO Friends” on 14 October 2021, starting at 12 h.  “Participatocracy – Excellent A+” will help highschool professors from Serbia to better understand

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TIRANA – The Regional Youth Cooperation Office (RYCO) and the Western Balkans Fund (WBF) signed a joint statement to continue enhancing cooperation on topics of joint interests. The ceremony took place at the RYCO premises in Tirana on Friday, 8 October, in the presence of high officials from the ministries of foreign affairs of the

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If you are a teacher from a high school in the region, we invite you to sign up for the best school exchange ever. BELGRADE – The promotion of Superschools project has officially started as our colleagues from the RYCO Local Branch Office in Serbia organized the opening event for the presentation of the Western

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SARAJEVO – Head of the RYCO Local Branch Office in Bosnia and Herzegovina Ms Berina Bukva Alibašić and Local Program Officer Mr Ali Mahmutćehajić met with the Ambassador of Japan to Bosnia and Herzegovina H. E. Mr Makoto Ito. The meeting took place at the premises of the Embassy of Japan in Sarajevo on Monday, 04 October, and focused on

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ALBANIA – The RYCO Local Branch Office in Albania together with the World Vision Albania concluded successfully the Youth Festival 2021 under the slogan “ACT4IMPACT” on Thursday, 29 September 2021, in Tirana. The Festival brought together youth and those working with youth in discussions about employment, youth development, entrepreneurship, social cohesion and inclusion.  The final

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