ROME/WESTERN BALKANS – The Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation is proud to convene the EU-Balkan Youth Forum next 22-26 November in Rome, gathering students from all over Europe to discuss the common challenges of the future of Europe and full membership of Balkan countries. Organized with the lead of the Regional Cooperation

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ALBANIA/SERBIA – Within the third RYCO Open Call for Project Proposals, supported by the Federal Republic of Germany, the Elementary and secondary boarding school “Milan Petrovic” from Serbia, in partnership with Private School Dea 2001 from Albania implemented the project “Music for All”  which took place from January 2020 to March 2021. The project created

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ALBANIA/BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA/MONTENEGRO/SERBIA– Supported by RYCO within the fourth Open Call for Project Proposals co-financed by the European Union, the Drug Policy Network South East Europe (DPNSEE) in partnership with Udruženje Prevent (Association Prevent) from Serbia, Nevladina Organizacija Re Generacija (Non-Governmental Organisation Re Generation) from Serbia, NVO Juventas ( NGO Juventas) from Montenegro, Aksion Plus

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True Democracies Need Youth

WESTERN BALKANS – September 15 is celebrated as the International Day of Democracy after being established in 2007 through a resolution passed by the United Nations General Assembly. This day aims to encourage governments and societies to strengthen efforts and policies that promote and consolidate democracy. It also highlights that stronger democracy needs the participation

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BELGRADE – Head of the RYCO Local Branch Office in Serbia Ms Ivana Antonijević and Youth Representative from Serbia in the RYCO Governing Board Mr Marko Kostić met with the Managing Director of the German-Serbian Chamber of Commerce (AHK Serbia) Mr Frank Aletter on Friday, 10 September. The meeting served to discuss the strategic orientation

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BELGRADE – Head of the RYCO Local Branch Office in Montenegro Mr Edin Koljenović participated as a panelist in the consultations of the working group on “Initiatives at the Regional Level in Response to Crises and Security Threats” which was hosted online by Konrad Adenauer Foundation Belgrade on Thursday, 9 September 2021. The meeting was

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VRNJAČKA BANJA – The RYCO Local Branch Office in Serbia together with the OSCE Mission to Serbia for four years in a row has been organizing a training course on project proposal design for civil society organizations from Serbia to support their capacity building in conducting regional projects. This year’s training took place from 7

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