SREBRENICA – Head of the RYCO Local Branch Office in Bosnia and Herzegovina Ms Berina Bukva Alibašić and Local Program Officer Mr Ali Mahmutćehajić, alongside representatives from Humanity in Action and the Youth Initiative for Human Rights in Serbia (YIHR) attended the panel session “Youth Activism & Dealing with the Past” as part of the Srebrenica Youth School

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WESTERN BALKANS – Let’s get Balkan Real podcast by Kiara Manja brings together young journalists from the Western Balkans to discuss their daily lives in the region, from traditions and customs to festivities and cuisine. Those small Zoom talks of youth are just part of the content created during RYCO’s supported program for students of

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TIRANA – RYCO Secretary General Mr Albert Hani met with Ambassador of Germany to Albania H.E. Mr Peter Zingraf, Head of Division for Western Balkans at the German Federal Foreign Office Ms Christiane Hullmann and  Head of Culture and Press Department at the German Embassy in Tirana Mr Enrico Günther, on Friday, 9 July. They

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ALBANIA/BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA/KOSOVO*/SERBIA  – Within the third RYCO Open Call for Project Proposals, supported by the Federal Republic of Germany, Projekte Vullnetare Ndërkombëtare (International Voluntary Projects) and High School “Jordan Misja” from Albania, Public High School “Skënderbeu” from Kosovo, Global Analitika and Javna Ustanova Mješovita Srednja Škola Sapna from Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Udruženje Svetlost

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TIRANA – On the occasion of its 5th anniversary, RYCO hosted a reception* for its partners, stakeholders and friends, which took place in Tirana, on Wednesday, 7 July. The event was addressed by Deputy Minister at Ministry of Education and Sports of Albania Mr Oltion Rumbullaku, Youth Representative of Albania in the RYCO Governing Board

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WESTERN BALKANS/GERMANY – The Western Balkans Summit of the Berlin Process concluded with the Leaders’ Meeting on Monday, 5 July 2021. During the meeting, RYCO Secretary General Mr Albert Hani addressed the Western Balkan and European leaders, advocating for young people’s interest and a better region. The Chair’s Conclusion is an official document of the Summit

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WESTERN BALAKANS/GERMANY – RYCO Secretary General Mr Albert Hani participated in the Leaders’ Meeting of the Berlin Summit organized online on Monday, 5 July 2021. The meeting hosted Western Balkan and European leaders and discussed the achievements of the Berlin Process but also the challenges present in the Western Balkans. RYCO Secretary General advocated for

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WESTERN BALKANS/GERMANY – The Western Balkans Youth Forum, organized in the framework of the Berlin Summit 2021, concluded on Monday, 5 July 2021. The event brought together over 100 young people and decision-makers from the region and the European Union to discuss the current situation of youth in the region and how to improve their

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WESTERN BALKANS – Let’s get Balkan Real podcast by Kiara Manja brings together young journalists from the Western Balkans to discuss their daily lives in the region, from traditions and customs to festivities and cuisine. Those small Zoom talks of youth are just part of the content created during RYCO’s supported program for students of

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