TIRANA – Head of the RYCO Local Branch Office in Albania Mr Kreshnik Loka took part in the presentation of the preliminary findings of the study “Understanding Youth Trends – Time for a New Narrative” organized by the National Youth Congress of Albania with the support of the Embassy of Switzerland in Albania. What are

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PODGORICA – RYCO Local Branch Office in Montenegro in cooperation with the Ministry of Education of Montenegro and with the support of the OSCE Mission to Montenegro organized a four-day Capacity Building Training for representatives of secondary schools from Montenegro on 26 – 29 September in Podgorica. The Capacity Building training gathered 20 participants representing

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POPOVA SAPKA – RYCO Local Branch Office in North Macedonia in cooperation with the OSCE Mission to Skopje organized a four-day capacity building training for representatives of secondary schools and civil society organizations from North Macedonia on 24 – 27 September in Popova Sapka, North Macedonia. Twenty-two participants attended the training aiming to strengthen the

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PRISTINA – As part of the ROUTE WB6 project implemented by RYCO and seven partners from the Western Balkans, Lens organized a stakeholders’ meeting which took place in Pristina on Friday aiming at discussing the development of volunteering infrastructure in Kosovo. The meeting gathered more than 30 participants from all around Kosovo, representatives of NGOs,

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FIER – Head of the RYCO Local Branch Office in Albania Mr Kreshnik Loka took part in the public event “Youth Empowerment in Albania” organized in Fier on 20 September by the National Resource Center for Civil Society. The event brought together youngsters, youth organizations, activists, donors, and public institutions in four panels to discuss

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TIRANA – The final event of the Memory Lab’s seven-day annual study trip and workshop took place in Tirana on Friday. Entitled “Unbunkering the past: How is Albania dealing with its (communist) history?” the event explored how Albania is dealing with its past, especially the communist period, and connected this with experiences from other European

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BIJELO POLJE – RYCO Local Branch Office in Montenegro with the support of the Goethe Institute and French Cultural Centre in Montenegro organized the Western Balkan-French-German Jazz Meetings “Balkan Academy of Music (BAM)” in Bijelo Polje, Montenegro on 18 – 21 September. The event brought renowned jazz teachers to work and perform with dedicated, devoted

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PODGORICA – RYCO Local Branch Office in Montenegro officially opened new premises in Podgorica today. The official opening ceremony was attended by RYCO Secretary General Mr Đuro Blanuša, Minister of Sports and Youth of Montenegro Mr Nikola Janović as well as by numerous representatives of international organizations, Western Balkan and European embassies and civil society

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WESTERN BALKANS – In the framework of our third Open Call for Project Proposals supported by the Federal Republic of Germany, RYCO is offering mentoring sessions as an additional opportunity for applicants to get further support in the development of their project proposals. Not mandatory, these sessions are being organised after the info sessions to

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