TIRANA –RYCO and World Vision Albania signed the Memorandum of Understanding on Wednesday to enhance cooperation between the two organizations focused on young people in the Western Balkans.  The ceremony took place in the presence of organizations’ employees at the RYCO Head Office in Tirana. The signing of the document is an important step forward

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WESTERN BALKANS – The General Objective of the third RYCO Open Call for Proposals is to support the process of reconciliation in the Western Balkans by providing young people with opportunities that create space for dialogue, mutual learning and increased understanding across communities and RYCO’s Contracting Parties, and to contribute to increasing capacities of schools to

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WESTERN BALKANS – RYCO is looking for external assessors from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia. The assessors will support RYCO Secretariat by performing the technical assessment of eligible project applications, submitted under RYCO’s Calls for Proposals. We are aiming to identify and select qualified and experienced professionals to join RYCO Pool

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TETOVO – RYCO Local Branch Office in North Macedonia, in cooperation with the OSCE Mission to Skopje, is organizing a five-day capacity building training with representatives of secondary schools and civil society organizations from North Macedonia on 20-24 August in Tetovo. Eighteen participants are attending the training aiming to strengthen the capacities of potential RYCO

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SARAJEVO – The 25th Sarajevo Film Festival (SFF) kicked off in the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina on 16 August. As the official partner of Dealing with the Past project within SFF, RYCO gathered young people from the Western Balkans as a follow-up activity of a special project EYOF- YOUNG PR Team which took place earlier

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PODGORICA – The purpose of this assignment is to support coordination of project activities in UNICEF Montenegro within the Dialogue for the Future (DFF) project, and RYCO project activities in the joint project with UN Albania. Additionally, the consultant will support the RYCO Local Branch Office based in Podgorica (LBO) in all aspects of LBO functions,

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BELGRADE – President of the French Republic H. E. Mr Emmanuel Macron and President of Serbia H. E. Mr Aleksandar Vučić met in Belgrade today with six young people from the Western Balkans six when they discussed common challenges of young people in the region. In a session participated by the presidents and the young

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WESTERN BALKANS – UNFPA Albania in close consultation with RYCO, an intergovernmental organisation that stewards and promotes regional, cross-border and intercultural cooperation within and among its six Western Balkan (WB6) Contracting Parties, is hiring an international expert to assist in adapting and updating a youth peer-to-peer methodology for reaching out to the most vulnerable and

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