SKOPJE – Synergies and possible ways for further strengthening the mutual cooperation and support between RYCO and its supporters in Macedonia were discussed at a working meeting at the residence of the French Ambassador to Macedonia Mr Christian Thimonier on Monday. Macedonian Minister of Education and Science Mr Arber Ademi, Representative of the Macedonian Ministry

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TIRANA – On the occasion of the UN Day, RYCO and UN in Albania launched a joint project in Tirana on Monday. The event dedicated to youth entitled “It’s Youth Time” was organized by the UN in Albania in partnership with the Albanian Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs. The United Nations Peacebuilding Fund, through

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POGRADEC – RYCO Local Branch Office in Albania, in cooperation with the OSCE Presence in Albania, organized a four-day Capacity Building Training with representatives of high schools in Albania on 24-27 October 2018 in Pogradec. Twenty high school teachers from all over Albania attended the training. The participants were selected from vocational and general high

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WESTERN BALKANS – Hacking Participation in the Balkans – Innovative ways of empowering youth in Albania and Serbia to impact policy making processes. The HPiB project is implemented by CCIS in partnership with CEP, and it is supported by RYCO within its first Open Call for Project Proposals. Young people (high schools, professional colleges, universities and youth organisations) are

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KOLASIN – RYCO Local Branch Officers in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia, together with the RYCO Program and Communication Officers, gathered on 1 – 4 October in Kolasin, Montenegro for a working meeting. Meeting’s agenda focused on the working priorities of the organization in the upcoming period such as preparation for

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WESTERN BALKANS – Regional Youth Cooperation Office in cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan would like to thank all the applicants for taking time and submitting the application for the youth exchange “Western Balkans Meet Japan – A Bridge Into Future”. Due to a considerable amount of applications and limited number of places for

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WESTERN BALKANS – The project Balkan Debate Academy: Debating towards Cooperation is opening a call for essays for high school students from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Kosovo* and Serbia. The best essays which will be selected will receive a full scholarship for participation at the Balkan Debate Academy in Skopje. The project is implemented by Youth Educational Forum

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PODGORICA – Regional Youth Cooperation Office (RYCO) in cooperation and with the support of the OSCE Mission to Montenegro organized a four-day Capacity Building Training for the representatives of CSOs and high schools from Montenegro on 25 – 28 September in Podgorica. Twenty-seven participants from a number of cities and regions in Montenegro attended the

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SARAJEVO – RYCO Local Branch Officer in Bosnia and Herzegovina Ms Berina Bukva presented RYCO activities, capacities and its strategic components at the round table “What Political Parties Offer to Young People in BiH?” hosted by the Westminster Foundation for Democracy on Tuesday in Sarajevo. The representatives of the political parties presented their programs for

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