WESTERN BALKANS – The youth exchange “Rainbow Bridge” will gather 30 youngsters from Macedonia, Albania and Montenegro in the period 6 – 14 October 2018 in Struga, Macedonia. Youngsters coming from minority and majority groups, different ethnic, religious, political and social background will have an opportunity to work together towards building better Western Balkans for

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LONDON – Following the recent Western Balkans Summit in London, the UK Parliament hosted the International Parliamentary Seminar on the Western Balkans under the auspices of the British Group of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (BGIPU). The event took place in the Palace of Westminster from 10 to 12 September. The event brought together the parliamentarians from

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BLED – RYCO Secretary General Mr Đuro Blanuša participated in this year’s edition of the Bled Strategic Form in Slovenia. In a panel discussion that was held on 11 September, together with the panelists, he discussed the topic “Putting European Consensus on Development into Practice: Political Foundations as Bridge Builders for the Implementation of SDGs”.

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VOSKOPOJË – RYCO Local Branch Officer in Albania Mr Kreshnik Loka took part in the Human and Minority Rights Academy in Voskopojë, Albania on 10 September 2018.  The 7th edition of the Academy, gave the opportunity to young people from all over Albania to participate in lectures and discussions on the topics such as protection

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  MIRAI Program 2018: Western Balkans Youth Exchange (Mutual-understanding, Intellectual Relations and Academic Exchange Initiative) WESTERN BALKANS – The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan and the Regional Youth Cooperation Office are implementing the youth exchange “Western Balkans meet Japan: A Bridge into the Future”, on 30 October to 7 November 2018, and invites 17 undergraduate

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SKOPJE – RYCO Local Branch Office in Macedonia was opened in Skopje today. The opening ceremony, which took place at the Office’s premises, was attended by a number of guests among which were the representatives of the diplomatic corps, Government of Macedonia, civil society and international organizations as well as youth representatives. RYCO Deputy Secretary

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TIRANA – RYCO and the Government of Albania, in the presence of representatives of their partners, signed the Host Country Agreement Tuesday, a document that will serve as a legal basis for RYCO’s work in Albania. On behalf of RYCO, the agreement was signed by RYCO Secretary General Mr Đuro Blanuša and on behalf of

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TIRANA – RYCO Secretary General Mr Đuro Blanuša met on Thursday with the Ambassador of Japan to Albania H. E. Mr Makoto Ito when they discussed the possible ways of cooperation between RYCO and the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The meeting was held in the RYCO Head Office in Tirana. Mr Blanuša presented the organization and its goals. He

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WESTERN BALKANS – Youth for Social Changes (Albania) in partnership with Youth Alliance-Krusevo (Macedonia), Udruženje Centar za razvoj socijalnog poduzetništva (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Centar za edukaciju i unapređenje društva – CEUD (Serbia), NGO Prima (Montenegro) and Raise Your Hand For Help (Kosovo) are calling for applicants within their project Rural Youth: Let’s Awake the Opportunities. The project aims to develop the

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