Head Office

During the RYCOgnized Vision Conference in Sarajevo, RYCO representatives met with representatives of the Ministries of education from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia to discuss and evaluate the results of the previous period and to exchange opinions for joint endeavors in the future. Conference days were opportunity for another meeting

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100 schools from the region conclude a successful chapter of collaboration Sarajevo – More than 100 students and teachers from the region gathered this week, in the vibrant city of Sarajevo, to mark the successful finalization of the 2nd cycle of the Superschools Program. RYCO Superschools Western Balkans School Exchange Scheme aims to support the

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BUDVA – RYCO Local Branch Office in Montenegro in cooperation with the OSCE Mission to Montenegro organized the second “Training on Intercultural Dialogue and Professional Standards in Reporting for Young Journalists from Montenegro“ The training took place in Budva, 10-12 November 2023, bringing together 14 young media representatives from different parts of Montenegro. The event

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TIRANA- The RYCO Local Branch Office in Albania has actively supported the local initiatives of Peace Week 2023, a collaborative effort organized by the United Nations Association Albania (UNAA) in various cities across Albania from October 23 to October 29, 2023. “Peace Week 2023” was a week-long event under the slogan of “Skills for Peace.”

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