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OHRID – Through its second Open Call, RYCO and the United Nations Peace Building Fund supported thirty-two young people from North Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia, participants of a five-day Scout United youth scout exchange. The program organized in partnerships between First Scout Unit from Skopje and Scouts Units from Prijedor, Cetinje and Niš, took place

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NOVI SAD – RYCO Local Branch Office in Serbia in cooperation with the OSCE Mission to Serbia and OPENS – European Youth Capital Novi Sad 2019 organized the Youth Rights Talks Regional. The event took place in Novi Sad on 14th December.  The event gathered 80 young people from the region to share their ideas

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TIRANA – RYCO in cooperation with the Germany Embassy in Tirana organized a signing ceremony for twenty awarded projects through Third RYCO Open Call for Project Proposals in Tirana on Wednesday. The ceremony is a celebration of the agreement between the German Government and RYCO aiming to support the school-to-school youth cooperation and exchange in

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WESTERN BALKANS – We invite you to apply for becoming a member of a youth co-design team for a research and advocacy project on young people’s perceptions on peace and security in the Western Balkans. We are now calling for 24 enthusiastic volunteers (with 4 representatives from each Western Balkan 6 (12 women and 12

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WESTERN BALKANS – RYCO has implemented the second youth exchange “Western Balkans Meet Japan – A Bridge into the Future” in cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan. This year, fifteen young people from across the Western Balkans, accompanied by RYCO Program Manager Ms Bojana Bulatović, participated in the nine-day MIRAI youth exchange program that

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WESTERN BALKANS – Today marks Human Rights Day – the day the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948. The adoption of such a document represents a milestone in human history that brought the understanding of inalienable rights which everyone is inherently entitled to as a human being regardless of

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WESTERN BALKANS – Today is a perfect opportunity to remind us all, our societies and governments, that a sustainable contribution to our communities starts with the warm hearts of our volunteers. Voluntarism is and stays as one of the important RYCO’s core principles because we believe that the better regions starts with youth that are

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Dear Applicants, We would like to express our gratitude towards all of you who have shown the interest and made efforts to take part in the third RYCO Open Call for Project Proposals. The Call was built upon the results and experiences of the first two RYCO open calls from 2017 and 2018 and dedicated

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BELGRADE – RYCO Secretary General Mr Đuro Blanuša together with Head of the Local Branch Office in Montenegro Mr Edin Koljenović and Program Assistant of the Local Branch Office in Serbia Ms Ivana Antonijević participated on the regional conference “Youth Policy in Western Balkans and Turkey: challenges and perspectives”. The conference organized by Youth Banks

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NOVI SAD – The fourth three-day Regional Youth Leadership Forum concluded in Novi Sad, Serbia today with a panel discussion on the Western Balkans in 2030 – Visions, Wishes, Realities, attended by the RYCO Secretary General Mr Đuro Blanuša, the prime ministers of Serbia and North Macedonia Ms Ana Brnabić and Mr Zoran Zaev, and

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