Local Branch Office Belgrade

When COVID-19 virus had an outbreak, masks were nowhere to be found. Even if you could get your hands on some, they were really expensive. But, there is always someone who can brighten up your day in those times with their humanitarian act. Aleksandra Aleksandrović from Novi Sad is a young lady who voluntarily started

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WESTERN BALKANS – ​The Regional Youth Cooperation Office (RYCO) is looking for certified auditor/companies to perform the expenditure verification of the Grant Beneficiaries. Auditors will become part of the pool of experts of RYCO as external auditors for the sub-granting schemes, initially for the grants part of the 4th Open Call. The chosen external auditors

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VLORË – A two-day kick-off meeting of representatives of ministries responsible for education in the Western Balkans started today, on Thursday, 15 July 2021 at Hotel Regina Garden in Vlorë, Albania  within the framework of the “Western Balkans School Exchange Scheme” project. The meeting is organised by the Regional Youth Cooperation Office (RYCO) and Deutsche

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BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA/NORTH MACEDONIA/SERBIA – Within the third RYCO Open Call for Project Proposals, supported by the Federal Republic of Germany, Projekte Vullnetare, Katolički školski centar “Petar Barbarić” – Gimnazija Travnik from Bosnia and Herzegovina in partnership with OSTU Nace Bugjoni  from North Macedonia and Ekonomsko-trgovinska škola from Serbia implemented the project #3forECO which took

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WESTERN BALKANS – The Youth for Peace in cooperation with Balkans Let’s Get Up! Organization and Udhetim i Lire – Liberi di Viaggare, and with the support of the Regional Youth Cooperation Office – RYCO and the European Union invite you to participate in a youth exchange within the project P.A.C.E – Peace and Conflict Education.

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The Story of Borjan Eftimov, President of the University Student Assembly of the Faculty of Law in Skopje, North Macedonia Student assemblies are the platform through which young people can express their problems, present their ideas and they can be a starting point from which they will engage in achieving the desired changes, said the

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WESTERN BALKANS – Today we remember thousands of victims of one of the darkest days of our shared history. In July 1995, one of the most tragic crimes committed in Europe since the Second World War happened when the war and its perpetrators, in a small town of Srebrenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina, took away 8.372

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WESTERN BALKANS – Let’s get Balkan Real podcast by Kiara Manja brings together young journalists from the Western Balkans to discuss their daily lives in the region, from traditions and customs to festivities and cuisine. Those small Zoom talks of youth are just part of the content created during RYCO’s supported program for students of

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ALBANIA/BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA/KOSOVO*/SERBIA  – Within the third RYCO Open Call for Project Proposals, supported by the Federal Republic of Germany, Projekte Vullnetare Ndërkombëtare (International Voluntary Projects) and High School “Jordan Misja” from Albania, Public High School “Skënderbeu” from Kosovo, Global Analitika and Javna Ustanova Mješovita Srednja Škola Sapna from Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Udruženje Svetlost

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TIRANA – On the occasion of its 5th anniversary, RYCO hosted a reception* for its partners, stakeholders and friends, which took place in Tirana, on Wednesday, 7 July. The event was addressed by Deputy Minister at Ministry of Education and Sports of Albania Mr Oltion Rumbullaku, Youth Representative of Albania in the RYCO Governing Board

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