Local Branch Office Belgrade

BELGRADE – With the support of the OSCE Mission to Serbia, RYCO is launching the open call for participation in the capacity building training for project design in the areas of youth mobility, cooperation and activism in the Western Balkans. The call is open for less experienced representatives of secondary schools from Serbia. The training

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VALJEVO/ULCINJ – Valjevo Cultural Network VAKUM and IACT Ulcinj are inviting secondary school students (15 to 18 year-old) from Serbia (from the municipalities of Valjevo, Mionica, Osečina, Ub or Lajkovac) and Montenegro to apply for a film adventure named SeaVa Youth. The event is consisted of two short film workshops which will take place in

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BELGRADE – RYCO Secretary General Mr Đuro Blanuša and RYCO Program Officer Ms Bojana Bulatović participated in a two-day regional roundtable organized within the project entitled “Advancing Youth Political Participation through Regional Cooperation of National Youth Councils” in Belgrade from 16 to 18 June. They discussed advancing youth political participation as well as challenges and

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BELGRADE – Minister of Youth and Sports of Serbia Mr Vanja Udovičić together with State Secretary Mr Predrag Peruničić visited on Thursday activities on one of the eleven projects from Serbia that RYCO supported through its first Call for Proposals. The project “Building Bridges for Balkans” is being implemented by the Hemijsko-Prehrambena Tehnološka Škola from

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KOLASIN – RYCO Local Branch Officers in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia, together with the RYCO Program and Communication Officers, gathered on 1 – 4 October in Kolasin, Montenegro for a working meeting. Meeting’s agenda focused on the working priorities of the organization in the upcoming period such as preparation for

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WESTERN BALKANS – Youth for Peace, in cooperation with Somborski omladinski Boom and MAYAA – Montenegrin American Youth Alumni Association, invites youth to take part in the project YOUr Past, Present, Future. The project is supported by RYCO within its first Open Call for Project Proposals. The aim of the project is to educate youth on topics of discrimination, constructive conflict transformation, human

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TIRANA – We are honored to present you the first RYCO Strategic Plan for the upcoming three years (2019-2021).We express our immense gratitude towards a number of stakeholders who participated in the strategic planning process – representatives of international and regional partner organizations, civil society organizations, governments of the Western Balkans, secondary schools from the

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WESTERN BALKANS – Group “Let’s…” in partnership with Center for Youth Progress, Albania, Psihointegra, Macedonia and Red Cross of Tuzla Canton, Bosnia and Herzegovina is inviting you to take part in the project Is it warring time again? Using performances and short movies as a tool for reconciliation and advocacy against extremism in Western Balkans When: 1st

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WESTERN BALKANS – Novi Sad Humanitarian Centre (NSHC) in cooperation with Syri i Vizionit and English language teachers and students association SOL invites interested and motivated young people (18-30 year-old) living in Serbia (Novi Sad, Apatin, Kula, Surdulica, or Vladičin Han) and Kosovo* (Pejë/Peć, Gjakovë/Đakovica or Prizren) to apply for participation in a mobility and training

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In the frame of the project “Swapping Cultures- Erasing Borders”, the Beyond Barriers Association together with its partners, announce Postcard Competition, #4balkanculturediversity. The project is supported by RYCO within its first Open Call for Project Proposals. Topics: intercultural dialogue and intercultural learning. Both must be focused on the Western Balkan context. Who can participate: Youth 16-25 year-old

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