Local Branch Office Podgorica

Western Balkans – The Regional Youth Cooperation Office is looking for a new team member in Podgorica! Job Description The Finance and Administration Officer reports to the Head of Finance in the RYCO Head Office, as well as to the Head of Local Branch Office. Her/his principal focus is to provide financial and administrative support to

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Bijelo Pole – Capacity building training for writing project proposals and project implementation was held between 21st and 23rd of June in Bijelo Polje and gathered 18 participants from all parts of Montenegro. Their profiles and areas of interest vary from visual arts and theatre to creative industries and cultural heritage. The aim of the

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Podgorica, March 28, 2024 – The RYCO Youth Talk held in the premisses of European House in Podgorica echoed a resounding message about the pivotal role of youth empowerment in the Western Balkans, underscoring the significance of initiatives like the Regional Youth Cooperation Office (RYCO) in fostering collaboration and dialogue across the region. Building upon

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Bečići – Regional Youth Cooperation Office (RYCO) in Montenegro in cooperation with Youth Network of Montenegro organized “Capacity Building Training in the domain of the UN Agenda 2250 “Youth, Peace and Security”. Held in Hotel Mediteran in Bečići from December 15th to 17th, 2023, this training gathered 17 young representatives from various CSOs, youth organizations,

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BUDVA – RYCO Local Branch Office in Montenegro in cooperation with the OSCE Mission to Montenegro organized the second “Training on Intercultural Dialogue and Professional Standards in Reporting for Young Journalists from Montenegro“ The training took place in Budva, 10-12 November 2023, bringing together 14 young media representatives from different parts of Montenegro. The event

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BAR – Students and teachers of Secondary Vocational School Bar and Contemporary Art High School from Tuzla organized a theater play in the Cultural Center Bar on Wednesday, October 25, with the aim to highlight joint values and display achievement of this exchange program between Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina through art form. The theater

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PODGORICA – Head of RYCO Local Branch Office in Montenegro – Mr Edin Koljenović held a productive meeting with the Democratization Program Manager at OSCE Mission to Montenegro – Mr Bernd Burwitz and Senior Program Assistant for Youth Portfolio – Ms Irena Marunović, at Local Branch Office’s premises, on September 12, 2023. Mr Koljenović provided

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Podgorica – The high temperature didn’t stop us from working hard this week. After a long break, Hajde students from the region gathered in Podgorica at the training about digital journalism, disinformation, and fact-checking, organized by RYCO thanks to financial support from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland. During the three

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