Local Branch Office Podgorica

PODGORICA – A regional capacity building training for the RYCO beneficiaries to be supported within the second RYCO Open Call for Project Proposals is taking place in Podgorica, Montenegro. The five-day event supported by the OSCE Mission to Montenegro is gathering representatives of the forty-five civil society organizations and secondary schools from the Western Balkans

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VALJEVO/ULCINJ – Valjevo Cultural Network VAKUM and IACT Ulcinj are inviting secondary school students (15 to 18 year-old) from Serbia (from the municipalities of Valjevo, Mionica, Osečina, Ub or Lajkovac) and Montenegro to apply for a film adventure named SeaVa Youth. The event is consisted of two short film workshops which will take place in

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PODGORICA – The purpose of this assignment is to support coordination of project activities in UNICEF Montenegro within the Dialogue for the Future (DFF) project, and RYCO project activities in the joint project with UN Albania. Additionally, the consultant will support the RYCO Local Branch Office based in Podgorica (LBO) in all aspects of LBO functions,

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WESTERN BALKANS – The Western Balkan-French-German Jazz Meetings called “Balkan Academy of Music (BAM)” in Montenegro came along under the motto “A better region starts with youth”. These first Montenegro Jazz Meetings are part of a joint project by the Regional Youth Cooperation Office in Montenegro (RYCO), Institut Français and Goethe-Institut. Experienced musicians from Germany,

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PODGORICA – Youth Exchange as Motor for Regional Cooperation conference is taking place in Podgorica, Montenegro. The conference, organized by RYCO in cooperation with the OSCE Mission to Montenegro, aims to discuss the results of the Berlin Process with a special focus on the youth cooperation. The event gathered ambassadors, MPs, representatives of international organizations

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PODGORICA – Youth Exchange as Motor for Regional Cooperation conference is taking place in Podgorica, Montenegro. The conference, organized by RYCO in cooperation with the OSCE Mission to Montenegro, aims to discuss the results of the Berlin Process with a special focus on the youth cooperation. The event gathered ambassadors, MPs, representatives of international organizations

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TIRANA – The bilateral meeting between Governing Board members of Montenegro and Albania took place in Tirana on 6 December. Together with RYCO Local Branch Officers from Podgorica and Tirana, GB members discussed about challenges of strengthening regional cooperation in the Western Balkans and the role of RYCO in creating a better region. The meeting was initiated by the Youth Representatives in the

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PODGORICA – Upon the invitation of the UNICEF Office in Montenegro, RYCO Local Branch Officer in Montenegro Mr Edin Koljenović met with the UNICEF Representative in Montenegro Mr Osama Makkawi Khogali and Deputy Representative Mrs Michael Bauer. Mr Khogali pointed out that the overall initiative and Mission of RYCO is seen as very important for

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PODGORICA – RYCO Local Branch Officer in Montenegro Mr Edin Koljenović met with Minister of Science of Montenegro Ms Sanja Damjanović. At the meeting organized in the Government of Montenegro, Mr Koljenović presented the results of the organization’s work, as well as the strategic plans for the next period. The meeting focused on the potential

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