Local Branch Office Podgorica

VIENNA – The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) opens today a Call for Candidacies for 18 fully-paid scholarships at the European Innovation Academy (EIA), one of the world’s leading summer entrepreneurship programmes for young professionals, students, recent graduates and young start-uppers. From 8 to 27 July in Turin, the selected finalists from the Western Balkans

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BIJELO POLJE – The Forum MNE, in cooperation with RYCO Local Branch Office in Montenegro, organized a round table on 11 April in Bijelo Polje, Montenegro, where the results and challenges of the RYCO work in the region were presented. At the round table, participated by representatives of non-governmental organizations, local youth offices, secondary schools and

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PODGORICA – RYCO Local Branch Officer in Montenegro Mr Edin Koljenović met on Monday Director of British Council Montenegro Ms Vanja Madžgalj. They discussed activities of their respective organizations and deliberated modalities of cooperation between them. Taking into the account the topics covered by the British Council through supported projects, RYCO recognized common areas and

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PODGORICA – RYCO Local Branch Officer in Montenegro Mr Edin Koljenović, met on Wednesday with Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany in Montenegro H.E. Mr Hans Günther Mattern,  First Secretary of the German Embassy Ms Ursula Rommerskirchen-Hilbertz and Director of the Directorate for Youth in the Government of Montenegro and the RYCO Governing Board Member Mr Nenad Koprivica when

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PODGORICA – RYCO Local Branch Officer in Montenegro Mr Edin Koljenović and the representatives of the Erasmus+ Office in Montenegro, Deputy Coordinator Mr Ranko Lazović and National Erasmus+ Coordinator Ms Vanja Drljević, met today in Podgorica when they discussed cooperation between the two offices. The Erasmus+ Office has shown the interest in cooperating with RYCO as it recognizes our

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PODGORICA – Regional Youth Cooperation Office is an excellent mechanism for youth networking in the Western Balkans in order to foster their cooperation, but also to strengthen youth policies on the national level, it was concluded at the meeting between RYCO Secretary General Mr Đuro Blanuša, Montenegrin Minister of European Affairs Mr Aleksandar Andrija Pejović,

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PODGORICA – RYCO Local Branch Office in Montenegro, in cooperation with the FORUM MNE and the OSCE Mission to Montenegro, has organized a roundtable on RYCO with a special focus on the work of the Local Branch Office in Montenegro on Monday. The roundtable was organized with an aim to gather all partners and relevant

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PODGORICA – RYCO Secretary General Mr Đuro Blanuša and Local Branch Officer in Montenegro Mr Edin Koljenović met the Head of the EU Delegation in Montenegro Mr Aivo Orav on Tuesday, 19 December, when they discussed the importance of RYCO for the region as well as the support of the EU for its work. Mr Blanuša

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Due to a large number of the received applications (421) for the first RYCO Open Call for Project Proposals, we want to inform our applicants and their partners that the announcement of the selected projects is rescheduled. The final decision on the supported projects will be published by the end of January 2018. We will inform you

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