Local Branch Office Skopje

POPOVA SAPKA – RYCO Local Branch Office in North Macedonia in cooperation with the OSCE Mission to Skopje organized a four-day capacity building training for representatives of secondary schools and civil society organizations from North Macedonia on 24 – 27 September in Popova Sapka, North Macedonia. Twenty-two participants attended the training aiming to strengthen the

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TETOVO – RYCO Local Branch Office in North Macedonia, in cooperation with the OSCE Mission to Skopje, is organizing a five-day capacity building training with representatives of secondary schools and civil society organizations from North Macedonia on 20-24 August in Tetovo. Eighteen participants are attending the training aiming to strengthen the capacities of potential RYCO

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SKOPJE – RYCO Local Branch Officer in Macedonia Mr Albert Hani took part in Tuesday’s consultative meeting on the National Strategy for Development of the Concept One Society and Interculturalism. The Government of Macedonia launched the policy initiative aiming to reduce divisions and increase trust among the communities in Macedonia. RYCO supports the initiative through

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TIRANA/SKOPJE – Member of the French National Assembly Mr Frédéric Petit met with RYCO Secretary General and Deputy Secretary General, Mr Đuro Blanuša and Mr Fatos Mustafa, in Tirana on Thursday when they discussed RYCO’s work and cooperation with France. Mr Petit also met with RYCO Local Branch Officer in Macedonia Mr Albert Hani the

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SKOPJE – RYCO Local Branch Officer in Macedonia Mr Albert Hani met with the representative of the French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs in charge of relations with civil society Mr François-Xavier Raymond in Skopje on Friday when the continuous support of the French Government for RYCO was reassured. Mr Raymond confirmed once again

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SKOPJE – Synergies and possible ways for further strengthening the mutual cooperation and support between RYCO and its supporters in Macedonia were discussed at a working meeting at the residence of the French Ambassador to Macedonia Mr Christian Thimonier on Monday. Macedonian Minister of Education and Science Mr Arber Ademi, Representative of the Macedonian Ministry

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