Local Branch Office Tirana

TIRANA – Head of RYCO Local Branch Office in Albania Mr Kreshnik Loka participated in the final round of selection of the Albanian Youth Delegates to the United Nations (UN) program, implemented by United Nation Association Albania and held on 14 July. The event was the finalization of a tough application process that lasted almost

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VLORË – A two-day kick-off meeting of representatives of ministries responsible for education in the Western Balkans started today, on Thursday, 15 July 2021 at Hotel Regina Garden in Vlorë, Albania  within the framework of the “Western Balkans School Exchange Scheme” project. The meeting is organised by the Regional Youth Cooperation Office (RYCO) and Deutsche

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TIRANA –  RYCO Local Branch Office in Albania welcomed and hosted a group of ten young people from Thumanë, Municipality of Kruja, at the RYCO premises in Tirana, on Thursday, 15 July. The visit took place within the framework of a pilot project titled “Empowering Young People Professionally” and focused on youth cooperation and social

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WESTERN BALKANS – The Youth for Peace in cooperation with Balkans Let’s Get Up! Organization and Udhetim i Lire – Liberi di Viaggare, and with the support of the Regional Youth Cooperation Office – RYCO and the European Union invite you to participate in a youth exchange within the project P.A.C.E – Peace and Conflict Education.

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The Story of Borjan Eftimov, President of the University Student Assembly of the Faculty of Law in Skopje, North Macedonia Student assemblies are the platform through which young people can express their problems, present their ideas and they can be a starting point from which they will engage in achieving the desired changes, said the

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OHRID – Supported by RYCO within the fourth Open Call for Project Proposals co-financed by the European Union, the Institute of Romani Culture in Albania – IRCA and the Institute for Research and Policy analysis ROMALITICO from North Macedonia organized a summer camp within the project “Promoting Intercultural Understanding, Reconciliation and Acceptance”. The summer camp

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TIRANA – Head of the RYCO Local Branch Office in Albania Mr Kreshnik Loka participated in the second day of the “Youth Peace Forum” organized by Woman Center for Development and Culture Albania (WCDCA) on 1 and 2 July, in Elbasan, Albania.  The forum gathered young people from 11 municipalities in Albania to increase their level

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WESTERN BALKANS – Today we remember thousands of victims of one of the darkest days of our shared history. In July 1995, one of the most tragic crimes committed in Europe since the Second World War happened when the war and its perpetrators, in a small town of Srebrenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina, took away 8.372

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WESTERN BALKANS – Let’s get Balkan Real podcast by Kiara Manja brings together young journalists from the Western Balkans to discuss their daily lives in the region, from traditions and customs to festivities and cuisine. Those small Zoom talks of youth are just part of the content created during RYCO’s supported program for students of

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TIRANA – RYCO Secretary General Mr Albert Hani met with Ambassador of Germany to Albania H.E. Mr Peter Zingraf, Head of Division for Western Balkans at the German Federal Foreign Office Ms Christiane Hullmann and  Head of Culture and Press Department at the German Embassy in Tirana Mr Enrico Günther, on Friday, 9 July. They

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