Local Branch Office Tirana

TIRANA – We are honored to present you the first RYCO Strategic Plan for the upcoming three years (2019-2021).We express our immense gratitude towards a number of stakeholders who participated in the strategic planning process – representatives of international and regional partner organizations, civil society organizations, governments of the Western Balkans, secondary schools from the

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WESTERN BALKANS – Group “Let’s…” in partnership with Center for Youth Progress, Albania, Psihointegra, Macedonia and Red Cross of Tuzla Canton, Bosnia and Herzegovina is inviting you to take part in the project Is it warring time again? Using performances and short movies as a tool for reconciliation and advocacy against extremism in Western Balkans When: 1st

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In the frame of the project “Swapping Cultures- Erasing Borders”, the Beyond Barriers Association together with its partners, announce Postcard Competition, #4balkanculturediversity. The project is supported by RYCO within its first Open Call for Project Proposals. Topics: intercultural dialogue and intercultural learning. Both must be focused on the Western Balkan context. Who can participate: Youth 16-25 year-old

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TIRANA – RYCO Local Branch Officer in Albania Mr Kreshnik Loka took part in the event “Together for a Youth Law in Albania”, organized by The Albanian National Youth Network – ANYN and the Child Right Centre Albania– CRCA on Wednesday, 27 June. The event aimed to gather the first round of inputs that will

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VIENNA – The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) announced on Monday the 18 finalists of the OSCE Scholarship Programme for young people from the Western Balkans to attend the European Innovation Academy (EIA), one of the world’s leading summer entrepreneurship programmes in Turin, Italy.  The scholarships were promoted through the network of the OSCE Field

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SARAJEVO – NIŠ – TIRANA – Nisville Jazz Festival, together with its partners (Syri Blue from Tirana and Motus Adulescenti from Sarajevo) within the project “SaNiTi (Sarajevo – Niš – Tirana) Jazz Project”, invite young musicians (those who already play jazz as well as those who intend to take more active part in this music

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WESTERN BALKANS – RYCO Local Branch Officers in the RYCO Contracting Parties’ capitals held the strategic dialogue meetings with relevant stakeholders working in the field of youth policy during the last week around the region. The meetings were the activities announced during the Strategic Conference (click here to read more) in Macedonia and it is

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TIRANA – RYCO Local Branch Officer in Albania Mr Kreshnik Loka held a strategic dialogue meeting with relevant stakeholders working in the field of youth policy on Thursday in Tirana, Albania. RYCO is organizing a series of meetings with the local stakeholders in order to discuss the RYCO Strategic Plan and get more inputs for its development.

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WESTERN BALKANS – After the successful signing ceremonies in Belgrade, Pristina, Tirana, Podgorica, Sarajevo and Skopje, we are honored to present you the final list of the supported projects within the first RYCO Open Call for Project Proposals. The listed civil society organizations and high schools from the Western Balkans will organize the first youth

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TIRANA – RYCO Local Branch Officer in Albania Mr Kreshnik Loka and Youth Representative in the RYCO Governing Board Ms Dafina Peci met on Wednesday with 24 youngsters, part of the trilateral youth exchange “Ideas and Actions for Europe: Energy and Environment in the 21st Century”, between Albania, France and Germany.  After traveling to Berlin and

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