Local Branch Offices

ALBANIA – The Regional Youth Cooperation Office (RYCO) through its Local Branch Office in Albania invites young people from Albania to participate in the “Human Rights and Minority Rights Academy 2022” that will take place in Voskopoja, from 30 August-3 September 2022. The Academy aims at providing and deepening young people’s knowledge of human rights

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Budva, Montenegro – The EU Western Balkan Students Integration Summer Camp, a 3-day event consisting of workshops and training sessions, was organized in Budva, Montenegro from 19 to 21 July. The summer camp brought together over 25 young people representatives of student organizations, the youth Trainer – Ms. Mila Jukic, and a special guest, the

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BELGRADE – Ambassador Giaufret highlighted the importance of RYCO’s mission and work in the region, as one of the most prominent results of the Berlin process. H.E. used the opportunity to mention that young people and regional cooperation are very important for the EU, especially this year that is declared as the European Year of

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Montenegro – The Regional Youth Cooperation Office (RYCO) in Montenegro, in cooperation with the Embassy of the Republic of France, organized three important & diverse events in the period from the 21 st – 23 rd of June 2022 in Podgorica. The prior goal of the events was to include young people in the social

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Ohrid – Between June 16-18 RYCO has actively participated at the Prespa Forum Dialogue, a platform created by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of North Macedonia to enable countries, leaders, organisations, experts and citizens to strengthen cooperation. The event gathered ambassadors, local and regional policy makers, eminent speakers, and youth representatives that shared the vision

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