Local Branch Offices

What do young people in the Western Balkans think about the society they live in? With conflict in the not-so-distant past, peace and social cohesion are real issues present in their everyday lives. Our just published regional study Shared Futures: Youth Perceptions on Peace in the Western Balkans, shares views from more than 5,400 young people

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WESTERN BALKANS – Each 12 August marks the celebration of the International Youth Day, designated by the United Nations (UN) in 1995 and first observed in 2000. This day recognizes the promise and power of young people to improve their communities. It also celebrates young people’s contributions as catalysts for peace and prosperity not only

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This July 2021, after more than a year into the Covid-19 pandemic, EXIT festival brought back the festival summer to Novi Sad, Serbia, being the first  major music event to take place in Europe since the pandemic began. During four festival nights, over 180.000 visitors from around the globe passed through the festival gates, and

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BELGRADE – As an introduction to the International Youth Day, celebrated on 12 August each year, the National Youth Council of Serbia (KOMS) organized a Regional Strategic Meeting in Belgrade on Thursday, 5 August 2021. During the meeting, six youth umbrella organizations from the Western Balkans signed a Memorandum of Partnership and Understanding (MoU).  Representatives

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The Drina is a river that flows through two places of the Western Balkans region, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia. In addition to its natural significance, this river also has a rich history in political terms. Namely, the Drina represented the natural border between the Eastern and Western Roman Empires, while today it is the

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RISE Regional Forum meets Social Innovations Forum in 2021! When: September 9-10, 2021 Where: KC Grad, Belgrade, Serbia We are excited to invite impact-makers, entrepreneurs, organizations, representatives from international organizations and governments to join us for this year’s Social Innovations Forum taking place in KC Grad in Belgrade, Serbia. The agenda will be packed with insightful

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ALBANIA/MONTENEGRO/SERBIA – Within the third RYCO Open Call for Project Proposals, supported by the Federal Republic of Germany, the Secondary Vocational School “Spasoje Raspopović” from Montenegro in partnership with Gymnasium “Sadik Stavileci” and NGO New Vision from Albania and Gymnasium “Stevan Jakovljević” from Serbia implemented the project Region without Prejudices which took place from January

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Departure of young people from Montenegro is an increasingly common occurrence Why do talented, skilled people leave their homelands and go abroad? Why does no one see the struggle of young people and increasing brain drain from the region? What are the consequences of such migrations? What policies can be adopted to stem such movements

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KONJIC – The RYCO Local Branch Office in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the PRO-Future project organized the first regional Peace and Advocacy Camp (#PAC) which gathered sixteen young people from the Western Balkans. Within PAC, the young people learned more about and enhanced their communication, activist, leadership and peace-building skills. This seven-day event targeted active youth

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PEJA/PEĆ – The International Anibar Animation Festival started its 12th edition on Friday, 23 July 2021, with a rich program of films, presentations, panels, workshops, and masterclasses. Unlike last year, when local restrictions were imposed to fight COVID-19 pandemic and the festival was held only online, this year, the festival brought life back to the

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