Local Branch Offices

Belgrade- RYCO Local Branch in Serbia within RYCOgnized project supported initiative “Paint for Peace: Engaging Students in Youth, Peace, and Security”, which was designed and organized by students of the master’s study Peace, Security and Development within the subject “Joint project”, was realized at the Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Belgrade. The project consisted

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100 schools from the region conclude a successful chapter of collaboration Sarajevo – More than 100 students and teachers from the region gathered this week, in the vibrant city of Sarajevo, to mark the successful finalization of the 2nd cycle of the Superschools Program. RYCO Superschools Western Balkans School Exchange Scheme aims to support the

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BUDVA – RYCO Local Branch Office in Montenegro in cooperation with the OSCE Mission to Montenegro organized the second “Training on Intercultural Dialogue and Professional Standards in Reporting for Young Journalists from Montenegro“ The training took place in Budva, 10-12 November 2023, bringing together 14 young media representatives from different parts of Montenegro. The event

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TIRANA- The RYCO Local Branch Office in Albania has actively supported the local initiatives of Peace Week 2023, a collaborative effort organized by the United Nations Association Albania (UNAA) in various cities across Albania from October 23 to October 29, 2023. “Peace Week 2023” was a week-long event under the slogan of “Skills for Peace.”

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Sarajevo – In Sarajevo, we recently organized the inaugural YPS MeetUp event, bringing together our colleagues, as well as representatives from non-governmental organizations and international institutions who share a common vision of creating a peaceful and secure environment for young people. The primary focus of this gathering was to introduce and delve into the Youth,

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Capacity Building Training and Mentoring Program for Young Journalists and Students of Journalism on Intercultural Dialogue and Transitional Journalism   The Regional Youth Cooperation Office (RYCO), in partnership with Deutsche Welle, cordially invites young journalists and journalism students from the Western Balkans 6 to join the regional edition of the Peace Broadcasters program. This program

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