Local Branch Offices

SKOPJE – RYCO Local Branch Office in North Macedonia in cooperation with Youth Representative in the RYCO Governing Board Mr Vladimir Gjorgjeski and Chief of Cabinet of the Agency for Youth and Sport Mr Stefan Stepanoski, organized consultation meetings with youth civil society organizations in the seven cities of North Macedonia – Kicevo, Ohrid, Bitola,

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Dear Applicants, We would like to express our gratitude towards all of you who have shown the interest and made efforts to take part in the third RYCO Open Call for Project Proposals. The Call was built upon the results and experiences of the first two RYCO open calls from 2017 and 2018 and dedicated

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PODGORICA – RYCO Local Branch Office in Montenegro organized a four-day capacity building training for twenty representatives of civil society organizations from Montenegro. The training took place on 15 – 18 November in Podgorica. The event organized with the support of the OSCE Mission to Montenegro provided the participants with a chance to strengthen their

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PRISTINA – In the continuation of the ROUTE WB6 project, with the support of RYCO, Lens in collaboration with the Office for Good Governance of the Prime Minister’s Office in Kosovo organized the second follow-up meeting in Pristina last Thursday. The event aimed at drafting a concept document for volunteering, which is being developed as

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NAIROBI – Over 9,500 delegates from more than 170 countries took part in the Nairobi Summit ICPD25 (International Conference on Population and Development), where RYCO Secretary General Mr Đuro Blanuša and Head of the RYCO Local Branch Office in Bosnia and Herzegovina Ms Berina Bukva had a chance to present RYCO’s vision and work, as well

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BAR – RYCO Local Branch Office in Montenegro in partnership with the Ministry of Sports and Youth of Montenegro, supported by the French Embassy to Montenegro, organized a three-day sports camp Intercultural Competencies in Sports in Bar, Montenegro on 8 – 10 November. The event gathered 23 successful young professionals in different sport disciplines from

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DURRËS – RYCO Head of Local Branch Office in Albania Mr Kreshnik Loka, took part in a panel discussion on the topic “Promoting youth participation at the local level” that took place on 8th of November in Durres.  Together with the high school students, the panel discussion gathered Ambassador of France in Tirana H.E. Ms Christina

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