Local Branch Offices

PRISTINA – A bilateral meeting between RYCO Governing Board members from Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo took place in Pristina on 12 March. Together with RYCO Local Branch Officers from Sarajevo and Pristina, the Governing Board members discussed challenges of strengthening regional cooperation in the Western Balkans and the role of RYCO in creating a better region.

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TIRANA – The Regional Meeting “Exchange with RYCO” took place in Tirana on Thursday. The event organized by the GIZ ORF Promotion of EU Integration gathered representatives of the ministries of foreign affairs of the Western Balkans 6 and the Regional Youth Cooperation Office. They discussed RYCO’s work and cooperation between the organization and institutional

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PRISTINA – The conference “Strengthening the path for reconciliation and regional cooperation – Debate on European perspective of young Kosovars” took place in Pristina last Thursday. It gathered almost one hundred young people and representatives of civil society organizations, universities, international and regional organizations. The participants discussed the relevance of regional cooperation and reconciliation process

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SARAJEVO – The European Youth Olympic Festival started in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina on Sunday. As the official partner of EYOF volunteers’, YOUNG PR Team from Western Balkans gathered and is currently in Sarajevo as volunteers of EYOF 2019. A special project within the EYOF 2019 – “In Youth Eyes” – is joint cooperation of

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TIRANA/SKOPJE – Member of the French National Assembly Mr Frédéric Petit met with RYCO Secretary General and Deputy Secretary General, Mr Đuro Blanuša and Mr Fatos Mustafa, in Tirana on Thursday when they discussed RYCO’s work and cooperation with France. Mr Petit also met with RYCO Local Branch Officer in Macedonia Mr Albert Hani the

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BELGRADE – Minister of Youth and Sports of Serbia Mr Vanja Udovičić together with State Secretary Mr Predrag Peruničić visited on Thursday activities on one of the eleven projects from Serbia that RYCO supported through its first Call for Proposals. The project “Building Bridges for Balkans” is being implemented by the Hemijsko-Prehrambena Tehnološka Škola from

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PODGORICA – Youth Exchange as Motor for Regional Cooperation conference is taking place in Podgorica, Montenegro. The conference, organized by RYCO in cooperation with the OSCE Mission to Montenegro, aims to discuss the results of the Berlin Process with a special focus on the youth cooperation. The event gathered ambassadors, MPs, representatives of international organizations

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PODGORICA – Youth Exchange as Motor for Regional Cooperation conference is taking place in Podgorica, Montenegro. The conference, organized by RYCO in cooperation with the OSCE Mission to Montenegro, aims to discuss the results of the Berlin Process with a special focus on the youth cooperation. The event gathered ambassadors, MPs, representatives of international organizations

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SKOPJE – RYCO Local Branch Officer in Macedonia Mr Albert Hani met with the representative of the French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs in charge of relations with civil society Mr François-Xavier Raymond in Skopje on Friday when the continuous support of the French Government for RYCO was reassured. Mr Raymond confirmed once again

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