Press Corner

ALBANIA/NORTH MACEDONIA/SERBIA – Supported by RYCO and the United Nations Peacebuilding Fund through the second RYCO Open Call for Project Proposals, Vlora Youth Center from Albania in partnership with the Timok Club from Serbia and NGO Info-centre from North Macedonia, implemented the #ChallengingBorders project, which took place from January to November 2020. #ChallengingBorders aimed to

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WESTERN BALKANS – Today marks the Human Rights Day, a day which is observed annually on 10 December to reaffirm the importance of human rights in our societies. This day commemorates the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by the United Nations General Assembly in 1948 which became an important milestone in the

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WESTERN BALKANS – Celebrated on 5 December every year, the International Volunteer Day raises awareness on the role volunteer’s play in responding to challenges the world is facing. Development of societies in which helping others is a core value is significantly important in crises such as the current one caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore,

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WESTERN BALKANS – The Regional Youth Cooperation Office (RYCO), in cooperation with the University of Vienna, the Sigmund Freud University Vienna and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH ORF Promotion of EU-Integration on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), publishes the publication A Better Region Starts with

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SARAJEVO – On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Dayton Peace Agreement, the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice President of the European Commission Mr Josep Borrell visited Bosnia and Herzegovina and met with members of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina, stakeholders and youth

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TIRANA – The Regional Youth Cooperation Office applauds an adopted decision of the Government of Serbia to enable citizens of Albania to enter the territory of Serbia without a travel document, with a valid biometric ID card. The decision was made on Thursday, 19 November 2020. RYCO also welcomes the official statement of the Government

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WESTERN BALKANS – The International Day for Tolerance is observed annually on 16 November. It was first proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly in 1996, as a reminder of the importance of human rights and freedoms in the diverse communities we live in. RYCO’s efforts to shape the present and build a better future

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SOFIA – The seventh summit of the Berlin Process took place in Sofia and online on 9-10 November 2020. It gathered stakeholders interested in regional connectivity and cooperation: governments, international and regional organizations as well as the civil society representatives. As one of the most concrete results of the Berlin Process, RYCO contributed to the

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WESTERN BALKANS – Within the framework of the advocacy project “A Better Region Starts with Youth”, implemented with the support of the Federal Republic of Germany, RYCO gathered 130 young people from the Western Balkans in a series of twelve online consultations, which took place in October 2020. During the online meetings, young people discussed

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WESTERN BALKANS – Developed and conducted by the two researchers, Teo Petricevic and Jelena Andjelic, and coordinated by the RISE consortium, the Regional Study and Guidelines on Social Entrepreneurship in the Western Balkans provides the most recent, relevant, and concise information on the current state of social entrepreneurship and youth entrepreneurship in the Western Balkans.

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