PARIS/WESTERN BALKASN – The “Western Balkans Youth Lab (WB6 Lab)” is a regional incubator for entrepreneurship and innovation designed for young leaders and change-makers. The AFD (Agence Française de Développement) has just allocated €500,000 to the project. Over a three-year period (from October 2019 to September 2022), the project has two objectives: to create a

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BELGRADE – RYCO Secretary General Mr Đuro Blanuša and RYCO Program Officer Ms Bojana Bulatović participated in a two-day regional roundtable organized within the project entitled “Advancing Youth Political Participation through Regional Cooperation of National Youth Councils” in Belgrade from 16 to 18 June. They discussed advancing youth political participation as well as challenges and

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WESTERN BALKANS – The Western Balkan-French-German Jazz Meetings called “Balkan Academy of Music (BAM)” in Montenegro came along under the motto “A better region starts with youth”. These first Montenegro Jazz Meetings are part of a joint project by the Regional Youth Cooperation Office in Montenegro (RYCO), Institut Français and Goethe-Institut. Experienced musicians from Germany,

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TIRANA – Delegation from the German Parliament (Bundestag), headed by Member of Parliament Mr Josip Juratović, met with RYCO high officials and Local Branch Officer in Albania on Wednesday in Tirana. They discussed RYCO’s ongoing activities as well as the current situation in regard to the young people in the Western Balkans and Albania in

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PRISTINA – The ninth meeting of the RYCO Governing Board took place in Pristina, Kosovo* on Thursday and Friday. The two-day meeting discussed the organization’s ongoing activities with a special focus on the second RYCO Open Call for Project Proposals and adopted a number of decisions important for RYCO’s functioning as well as its further

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Dear Applicants, We would like to express our gratitude towards all of you who have shown the interest and made efforts to take part in the second RYCO Open Call for Project Proposals. The Call was built upon the results and experiences of the first RYCO Open Call for Project Proposals which was launched in

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BERLIN –The conference “Strengthening Regional Parliamentary Cooperation in Support for RYCO and Parliaments’ Engagement in the Berlin Process and Beyond” was organized on 20-21 May in Berlin. The event gathered members of parliaments (MPs) from the Western Balkans, France and Germany who discussed their role in supporting RYCO, youth cooperation and regional cooperation in general.

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TIRANA – The German Federal Foreign Office has awarded 350.000€ for a new one-year RYCO’s project aiming to support high schools from the Western Balkans in creating cooperation opportunities for vulnerable groups, improving cross-sector cooperation and raising their capacities. German Ambassador to Albania H.E. Ms Susanne Schütz and RYCO Secretary General Mr Đuro Blanuša signed

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TIRANA – As the Council of Europe celebrates its 70 birthday it also faces a major political and financial crisis. A proposed way to overcome the crisis includes abolition of funding for the organization’s youth sector. RYCO wants to underline that the crisis should not and may not harm the policies and work done with

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