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97 results found for: western balkans youth cultural fund

Strengthening Bonds Between RYCO and OSCE in Montenegro

PODGORICA – Head of RYCO Local Branch Office in Montenegro – Mr Edin Koljenović held a productive meeting with the Democratization Program Manager at OSCE Mission to Montenegro – Mr Bernd Burwitz and Senior Program Assistant for Youth Portfolio – Ms Irena Marunović, at Local Branch Office’s premises, on September 12, 2023. Mr Koljenović provided

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Successful finalization of the EU-WB-SI project in Tirana

We are thrilled to announce the successful finalization of the EU-WB-SI project, marked by a two-day event held in Tirana. Bringing together 19 dedicated student representatives, this final event showcased their achievements, insights, and experiences in implementing regional and local initiatives over the past year. Distinguished guests greeted and welcomed the students including Mr. Luigi

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RYCO Local Branch Office in Serbia and OSCE Mission to Serbia improve capacities of WB6 teachers to provide quality mentorship before and after an exchange

WESTERN BALKANS – RYCO Local Branch Office in Serbia and OSCE Mission to Serbia successfully organised second meetup in 2022, part of a serial #AmongRYCOfriends, which took place on Thursday, 13 October 2022, at 12 o’clock via Zoom. The meet up called “You(th) will never walk alone” gathered around 90 teachers from WB6 who wanted

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RYCO and EU Celebrate Successes of Projects Supported in North Macedonia

SKOPJE – The Regional Youth Cooperation Office (RYCO) organized a final event within its EU-supported project “Enhancing Youth Cooperation and Youth Exchange in the WB6” in Skopje on Monday, 7 February 2022. The event presented the results of two projects from North Macedonia supported within the 4th RYCO Open Call for Project Proposals. It was

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RYCO in Montenegro Organizes Superschools Info Session

PODGORICA – The RYCO Local Branch Office in Montenegro in cooperation with the Ministry for Education, Science, Culture and Sports organized an info session in Podgorica to present the Western Balkans School Exchange Scheme “Superschools, on 14 October 2021. On this occasion, 33 professors and school directors got a chance to hear more about the

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Work with UNICEF and RYCO: Develop Online Learning Platform

WESTERN BALKANS – Within the project “Supporting the Western Balkans collective leadership on reconciliation: building capacity and momentum for the Regional Youth Cooperation Office (RYCO)”, UNICEF Albania is seeking an international or national company to develop an online learning platform and modules for teacher training based on the resource “Educating for intercultural dialogue, peacebuilding, constructive

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Invitation to Tender for Implementing Partner in Montenegro

WESTERN BALKANS – The Regional Youth Cooperation Office (RYCO) is seeking to engage a local implementing partner to support RYCO in delivering the local activities in Montenegro under Output 2 of the project “Supporting the Western Balkan’s Collective Leadership on Reconciliation: Building Capacity and Momentum for RYCO”, under partnership with UNFPA Albania, financed by the

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Work with UNICEF and RYCO: Online Learning Platform for Teachers

WESTERN BALKANS – Within the project “Supporting the Western Balkans collective leadership on reconciliation: building capacity and momentum for the Regional Youth Cooperation Office (RYCO)”, UNICEF Albania is seeking a consultant to provide instructional design expertise, in order to create an interactive online version of the training resource: “Intercultural Dialogue, Peacebuilding, Remembrance and Reconciliation: A

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