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97 results found for: western balkans youth cultural fund

You(th) spread the News

Milan attended his first youth exchange programme in the spring of 2018. Milan is not his real name but he is a real person who shared his story. He enjoyed his stay in Sarajevo, where he immersed himself in the topic of dealing with the past and made new friends. He did not get much

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Andrea Mićanović: Young People Can Shape Positive Experiences in Region

WESTERN BALKANS – Youth Representative of Montenegro in the RYCO Governing Board Ms Andrea Mićanović participated in an online regional forum on “Remembrance and Intercultural Dialogue” organized by the European Association for Local Democracy (ALDA) in cooperation with the Balkan Network for Local Democracy.  The event, which took place from 21 to 22 December, gathered

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There’s More Peace than Hate

We spoke with the Director of the Franz Vranitzky Chair for European Studies at the University of Vienna Rainer Gries who is leading a team of researchers conducting a study on young people in the Western Balkans and their participation or non-participation in regional youth exchange programmes. This interview focused on the history, politics and

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RYCO in Serbia Discusses Regional Research Infrastructure and Synergies

WESTERN BALKANS – Head of the RYCO Local Branch Office in Serbia Ms Marija Bulat participated in the international conference “Western Balkans in Comparative Perspectives – European Social Survey” which was held online, on 4 and 5 December. The aim of the conference was to bring together researchers and policymakers from the Western Balkans region

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United Nations Day: Working Together for Peace

WESTERN BALKANS – This year marks the 75th anniversary of the United Nations and its founding Charter. The Charter of the United Nations entered into force on 24 October 1945. Since 1948, this day is observed and celebrated annually as the United Nations Day. By promoting security, stability and global peace, the United Nations have

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RISE Launches Open Call to Support Young Social Entrepreneurs

WESTERN BALKANS – The RISE project is launching its open call for applications for young entrepreneurs from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia to develop their social business ideas. Through a series of workshops, lectures, meetups, mobility programs and financial support, young people will have a chance to learn, grow, do

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The overall aim of the project is to promote cross-border long-term and short-term volunteering as a tool that will contribute to reduction of social and ethnic distance among young people in the region as well as to strengthen their pro-social and European values that will lead to reconciliation, stability and prosperity of the WB6 region.

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The overall goal of the project is to foster social cohesion and reconciliation, enhance attitudes of tolerance and reduce prejudice and discrimination among youth in the Western Balkans, through supporting RYCO in building its institutional capacity and partnerships with civil society, education institutions (schools) grassroots youth organizations and youth in general. The project strengthens RYCO

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RYCO and UN Family Gather for Annual Planning Workshop

TIRANA – Supported by the United Nations Peacebuilding Fund, together with its partners UNDP, UNFPA and UNICEF from Albania, RYCO is holding an annual planning workshop of the “Supporting the Western Balkan’s Collective Leadership on Reconciliation: Building Capacities and Momentum for the Regional Youth Cooperation Office (RYCO)” project. The workshop is taking place in Tirana

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