RYCO Announces Winners of 2nd Open Call WBYCF

Dear Applicants,

We want to express our gratitude towards all of you who have shown interest and made efforts to participate in the Second Open Call for the Western Balkans Youth Cultural Fund.

In the Second Open Call for the Western Balkans Youth Cultural Fund, we are happy to share that we have received 90 project proposals under the following areas:

LOT1: SPARK FUND 3,000 EUR dedicated to cultural practitioners (poets, writers, visual artists, architects, dancers, actors, musicians, sculptors, designers, and others)

COOL ART EVENTS 6,000 EUR dedicated to youth-oriented CSOs and youth organizations, both in the field of culture

RYCO highly values your networking efforts, partnership creation, and application preparation. We eagerly anticipate the implementation phase and the innovative activities that will follow throughout the region!

This fund aims to promote culture and cultural activism as a tool for building more inclusive societies where creativity serves as a voice for young people.

Thank you for your interest in staying connected with us. If you haven’t already, we would like to invite you to follow our website, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram accounts, as well as subscribe to our mailing list. By doing so, you will be able to stay informed about our upcoming open calls and the latest news from RYCO.

We value your dedication to promoting regional cooperation and youth engagement in the Western Balkans. Thank you for your continued support and commitment to making a positive impact on the region.

Please see below the final list of the top-rated project proposals.



Final List of Winners

*This multi-year project is financed by the German Federal Foreign Office, supported by the Governments of the Western Balkans, and implemented by the Regional Youth Cooperation Office (RYCO).


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