WESTERN BALKANS/GERMANY – The Western Balkans Summit of the Berlin Process concluded with the Leaders’ Meeting on Monday, 5 July 2021. During the meeting, RYCO Secretary General Mr Albert Hani addressed the Western Balkan and European leaders, advocating for young people’s interest and a better region. The Chair’s Conclusion is an official document of the Summit

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WESTERN BALAKANS/GERMANY – RYCO Secretary General Mr Albert Hani participated in the Leaders’ Meeting of the Berlin Summit organized online on Monday, 5 July 2021. The meeting hosted Western Balkan and European leaders and discussed the achievements of the Berlin Process but also the challenges present in the Western Balkans. RYCO Secretary General advocated for

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WESTERN BALKANS/GERMANY – The Western Balkans Youth Forum, organized in the framework of the Berlin Summit 2021, concluded on Monday, 5 July 2021. The event brought together over 100 young people and decision-makers from the region and the European Union to discuss the current situation of youth in the region and how to improve their

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WESTERN BALKANS – Let’s get Balkan Real podcast by Kiara Manja brings together young journalists from the Western Balkans to discuss their daily lives in the region, from traditions and customs to festivities and cuisine. Those small Zoom talks of youth are just part of the content created during RYCO’s supported program for students of

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TIRANA  – Head of RYCO Local Branch Office in Albania Mr Kreshnik Loka took part at the big finals of the “Re-Debate 5.1, National Championship Debate” on Wednesday, 30 June.  After more than 10 months, with more than 300 debates on national level and more than 1500 young people involved, it all came down to

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OTESHEVO/PRESPA – RYCO Secretary General Mr Albert Hani delivered a keynote speech at the 2021 Prespa Forum Dialogue within the Youth Forum “Grassroots Youth Voices for Bringing the Region Closer Together” organized in Oteshevo, North Macedonia on Thursday, 1 July 2021. In his speech, RYCO Secretary General said that the young people are the biggest

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BUDVA – RYCO Local Branch Office in Montenegro in cooperation with the OSCE Mission to Montenegro organised a five-day regional working meeting which gathered representatives of the RYCO Local Branch Offices in the Western Balkans. The working meeting took place from 21 to 25 June 2021, in Budva, Montenegro. Key topics discussed during the meeting

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WESTERN BALKANS/GERMANY – The Western Balkans Youth Forum, organized in the framework of the Berlin Summit 2021, kicked off online on Tuesday, 29 June 2021. The event brings together young people and decision-makers from the region and the European Union to discuss the current situation of youth in the region and how to improve their

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WESTERN BALKANS – Let’s get Balkan Real podcast by Kiara Manja brings together young journalists from the Western Balkans to discuss their daily lives in the region, from traditions and customs to festivities and cuisine. Those small Zoom talks of youth are just part of the content created during RYCO’s supported program for students of

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PODGORICA – Head of the RYCO Local Branch Office in Montenegro Mr Edin Koljenović and RYCO Mentorship Coordinator Ms Irena Marunović met with the Deputy Head/Programme Co-ordinator of the OSCE Mission to Montenegro Ms Siv-Katrine Leirtroe and National Programme Officer in the Democratization Programme of the OSCE Mission to Montenegro Ms Ivana Vujović, on Thursday,

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