WESTERN BALKANS – RYCO and UNICEF, supported by the UN Peacebuilding Fund, are implementing the second part of a teachers training on “Intercultural Dialogue, Peacebuilding, Constructive Remembrance and Reconciliation: A Toolkit for Teachers in the Western Balkans”,  gathering 22 teachers from the region. Due to restrictions imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic, the five-day training is

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SKOPJE – Head of the RYCO Local Branch Office in North Macedonia Mr Albert Hani and Youth Representative in the RYCO Governing Board Mr Vladimir Gjorgjevski met with Head of the Delegation of the European Union to North Macedonia Mr David Geer, and Counsellor at EU Delegation to North Macedonia Mr Steffen Hudolin, on December

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WESTERN BALKANS – Today marks the Human Rights Day, a day which is observed annually on 10 December to reaffirm the importance of human rights in our societies. This day commemorates the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by the United Nations General Assembly in 1948 which became an important milestone in the

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TIRANA –  December 8 marked the National Youth Day in Albania. Thirty years ago thousands of Albanian students took the streets to overthrow one of the toughest communist regimes in Southeast Europe. Since then, this day serves as a symbol of youth activism – a clear sign that youth can move mountains and by acting

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TIRANA – RYCO Secretary General Mr Đuro Blanuša gave an interview for the Albanian Daily News which was published in this newspaper on Monday, 7 December 2020. We are republishing the interview. Albanian Daily News: Mr. Secretary General it is a pleasure to have this conversation with you which is a good opportunity to learn from

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Today marks the day of the first RYCO Governing Board meeting, which took place in Tirana, Albania, on 8 December 2016. Our Governing Board is the highest decision-making body of RYCO and consists of twelve government and civil society representatives which share equal responsibility and decision-making power. The twelve representatives from the six RYCO Contracting

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WESTERN BALKANS – Head of the RYCO Local Branch Office in Serbia Ms Marija Bulat participated in the international conference “Western Balkans in Comparative Perspectives – European Social Survey” which was held online, on 4 and 5 December. The aim of the conference was to bring together researchers and policymakers from the Western Balkans region

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PRISTINA – Through the second Open Call co-financed by the United Nations Peacebuilding Fund, RYCO supported the project “A Youth Perspective to Remembering the Past in the Western Balkans” implemented by Humanitarian Law Center Kosovo* in partnership with Humanitarian Law Center Serbia and Association Transitional Justice, Accountability and Remembrance in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The project

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WESTERN BALKANS – Celebrated on 5 December every year, the International Volunteer Day raises awareness on the role volunteer’s play in responding to challenges the world is facing. Development of societies in which helping others is a core value is significantly important in crises such as the current one caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore,

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WESTERN BALKANS – The Regional Youth Cooperation Office (RYCO) is inviting tenderers to submit their offers for the tender “Health and travel insurance for Regional Youth Cooperation Office (RYCO)”. RYCO is looking for an insurance company that will offer health and travel insurance to RYCO staff in Albania following the details provided under the scope

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