PODGORICA – In preparation for the second Regional Youth Cooperation Office (RYCO) Call for Proposals, the OSCE Mission to Montenegro will, together with RYCO Local Branch Office in Montenegro, organize three-day training for the potential applicants in order to develop their capacities for applying at the Open Call. The selection will be conducted through an open

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TIRANA – We are honored to present you the first RYCO Strategic Plan for the upcoming three years (2019-2021).We express our immense gratitude towards a number of stakeholders who participated in the strategic planning process – representatives of international and regional partner organizations, civil society organizations, governments of the Western Balkans, secondary schools from the

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TIRANA – On the occasion of the International Youth Day, RYCO Secretary General and Deputy Secretary General, Mr Đuro Blanuša and Mr Fatos Mustafa, wrote a letter to the youth of the Western Balkans and the stakeholders involved in the youth related field. The letter reads the following: As prejudice and stereotyping continue to shape attitudes in the

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PRIZREN – RYCO representatives took part in the panel discussion Reflecting on the Role of Youth in Fostering Youth Mobility and Cooperation of Young People – What We Can Do More? at this year’s edition of the Dokufest in Prizren, Kosovo*. The discussion that focused on youth cooperation and mobility in Kosovo and the Western

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TIRANA – RYCO Deputy Secretary General Mr Fatos Mustafa met on Sunday with the delegation of the German Federal Foreign Office led by Minister of State for Europe Mr Michael Roth when they discussed the RYCO’s ongoing activities as well as the support of the German Government to our organization. Mr Mustafa thanked the delegation

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TIRANA – RYCO Deputy Secretary General Mr Fatos Mustafa met with Deputy Head of the British Embassy in Tirana Mr Sean Melbourne on Wednesday in the RYCO premises when they discussed the RYCO’s work, its participation in the recently-held Western Balkans Summit in London and follow-up activities. Mr Mustafa briefly updated Mr Melbourne about our

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PODGORICA – RYCO organized a preparatory meeting of the first research project on the topics of dealing with the past in the framework of the first youth exchange projects supported by RYCO. The meeting took place on 17-18 July in Podgorica, Montenegro. Six researchers and youth workers gathered to explore ways in which they identified

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WESTERN BALKANS – Project promotes reconciliation, cooperation and better understanding in the region by bringing together 24 young people, 18-30 year-old, from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania, Montenegro, Macedonia, and Serbia. They will spend nine days together learning how to use film in educative and activist purpose, learn about and discuss joint Balkan traditions and shared

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