PRISTINA – RYCO Deputy Secretary General Mr Fatos Mustafa, together with RYCO Local Branch Officer in Kosovo Ms Krenare Gashi, participated in the policy forum “Kosovo’s next decade: Advancing the Reform Making, Regional Cooperation and EU Integration” on Wednesday, 25 April, in Pristina. The event debated the strengthening of institutions and speeding up reforms, the EU

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SKOPJE – RYCO Secretary General Mr Đuro Blanuša, together with RYCO Local Branch Officer in Macedonia Mr Albert Hani, participated the Western Balkans 6 Digital Summit organized on 18 and 19 April in Skopje, Macedonia. On the Summit’s margins, RYCO representatives met with UK Envoy for the Western Balkan and the London Summit Coordinator of the Foreign and

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SARAJEVO – RYCO Local Branch Officer in Bosnia and Herzegovina Ms Berina Bukva met on Monday with Project Manager at the Forum Civil Peace Service (forumZFD) in Bosnia and Herzegovina Ms Sunita Dautbegović –  Bošnjaković when they discussed the possible cooperation between the organizations. Ms Bukva emphasized that RYCO is doing its best to create a new “space”

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PRISTINA – RYCO Local Branch Officer in Kosovo Ms Krenare Gashi met on Friday with Minister of Culture, Youth and Sports of Kosovo Mr Kujtim Gashi, Director of the Youth Department of the Ministry Mr Xhevat Bajrami and Youth Representative in the RYCO Governing Board Mr Arianit Jashari. They discussed the joint activities and the ongoing work

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BIJELO POLJE – The Forum MNE, in cooperation with RYCO Local Branch Office in Montenegro, organized a round table on 11 April in Bijelo Polje, Montenegro, where the results and challenges of the RYCO work in the region were presented. At the round table, participated by representatives of non-governmental organizations, local youth offices, secondary schools and

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TIRANA – RYCO Secretary General and Deputy Secretary General, Mr Đuro Blanuša and Mr Fatos Mustafa, met on Thursday with German Member of Parliament Mr Manuel Sarrazin (Alliance 90/The Greens) and German Ambassador to Albania Ms Susanne Schütz. They discussed the RYCO achievements since it became operational last year, but also the continuation of the support

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TIRANA – RYCO Local Branch Officer in Albania Mr Kreshnik Loka met on 4 April with Commander of the Allied Joint Force Command Naples Admiral James Foggo at the US Embassy in Tirana to present RYCO and its work. Mr Loka introduced Mr Foggo with the RYCO structure and its activities and emphasized the strong

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PRISTINA – RYCO Secretary General Mr Đuro Blanuša, together with our Program Officer Ms Bojana Bulatović, took part in the the Western Balkans Youth Conference, organized by the British Council on 26-27 March in Pristina where they discussed the involvement of youth in the Berlin Process and decision making processes. Ahead of the Western Balkans

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PRISTINA – On the occasion of the Western Balkans Youth Conference “Active Citizens” that will be held in Prishtina on 26-27 March 2018, the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) and the Regional Youth Cooperation Office (RYCO) would like to draw your attention to the findings of youth surveys conducted by the FES throughout the Southeast Europe region between 2011 and 2015. The

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