Youth MeetUp: A Platform for Future Youth Empowerment in the Western Balkans

Sarajevo – From July 22 to 24, 2024, Sarajevo hosted the Youth MeetUp, second event within the partnership between RYCO and the Federal Ministry of European and International Affairs of Austria. This gathering followed the insightful study visit to Vienna in April 2024, and aimed to deepen understanding and engagement on crucial topics concerning youth in the region.

The Youth MeetUp centered around several main themes:

  • Emphasizing the importance of the Youth, Peace, and Security agenda.
  • Exploring how to effectively integrate youth perspectives into policy-making and youth policies.
  • Discussing the need for increased youth involvement in policymaking and the co-creation of relevant policies.
  • Recognizing the significant role of the diaspora in the socio-economic development of the Western Balkans.

At the opening of the event, Denis Piplaš, RYCO’s Deputy Secretary General, emphasized that “RYCO is currently working on a new Strategic Plan for the period 2025-2027. It is crucial for us to gather feedback from young people about their vision for the region, their future, and their desired cooperation with RYCO. This input is essential for us to enhance the conditions and environment for youth engagement.”

The event brought together representatives from RYCO, youth umbrella bodies from the region, and academia/independent researchers. This diverse group contributed to a dynamic and productive exchange of ideas, laying the groundwork for future cooperation and initiatives aimed at empowering youth in the Western Balkans. Also, they had the opportunity to get acquainted with some positive practices that are currently implemented in the region and to learn from their example.

Dominik Urak, Deputy Head of Mission at the Austrian Embassy in Sarajevo, emphasized the satisfaction that such a group of young people gathered in Sarajevo, and emphasized that “the Austrian government acknowledges the importance of involving young people from the Western Balkans in all decision-making processes and initiatives, particularly in the EU integration process. It is also vital to consider how we can leverage the significant potential of your diaspora in these efforts.”

The Youth MeetUp not only highlighted the importance of youth voices in shaping regional policies but also fostered a collaborative spirit among stakeholders committed to advancing youth engagement and development. As we move forward, the insights and feedback gathered will be instrumental in guiding our efforts to create a more inclusive and supportive environment for young people in the region, but also to create RYCO’s strategic directions of action for the next period, tailored to young people.


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